Why Fun Loving Families Love Activity Holidays

Author: Lisa Jeeves

There are so many reasons to love family activity holidays, and when you book through a travel company with a passion and skill for organising exciting and unique itineraries you can’t go wrong. Well thought out activity holidays are an opportunity for sharing new experiences and seeing the world from a whole new perspective.

Different Activities

Depending on where you want to go and the time of year you want to travel there is an endless choice of activities for you to choose from. How about sharing time with your gang on a ranch in Arizona? The kids can be cowboys and cowgirls and learn to ride, take care of the horses and experience life on a real working ranch in the desert. For water enthusiasts, the USA has plenty of scope for rafting and kayaking, which are both great activities to share as a family. Walking and cycling in Canada are always popular and, of course, skiing in the French or Italian Alps boasts much appeal for the outdoor enthusiasts.

Family Time

Whatever you decide to do and regardless of which of the activity holidays you choose, the important thing is that you will be spending time together. This brings with it many rewards and is invaluable for those who normally live busy lives that don't accommodate large amounts of quality time together. Trying out new activities and venturing into new environments really emphasises the family bond, and many children begin to shine, show responsibility and develop both socially and personally. Most itineraries cater to all abilities and ages of children; siblings will get the opportunity to be in teams with each other, help and support each other and undertake challenges together, which serves to increase bonds and build healthy relationships.

Off the Beaten Track

If you book your family activity holidays with the right company, you are guaranteed an authentic, safe and fun experience. Not only will your family have the opportunity to engage in new activities, but you will also be able to explore destinations you may never have seen before. Interacting with locals, experiencing a new culture, trying out a new language and tasting different foods are all part of travelling, and exposing children to all ages to these important elements gives them a good grounding as they mature and develop. Children can be encouraged to ask questions, push boundaries and consider the world from a different but very real perspective – and, as their parents, this is a gift worth giving.

Richard Edwards is the Managing Director of Summit and Blue, a specialist adventure and activity holiday company offering independently crafted activity holidays to exciting destinations around the world, including France, Italy, Portugal, the USA and Canada. With unique itineraries and exciting activities like biking, hiking, white water rafting and canoeing, we create holidays for families looking for an experience a little more off the beaten track.