Why Book Activity Holidays with a Specialised Company?

Author: Lisa Jeeves

Does your family love to spend your downtime together? Do you thrive in the great outdoors, live for adventure and are always on the lookout for new and exciting activities? If so, for your next trip away you should consider one of the many specialised family activity holidays on offer.

Companies offering these kinds of breaks base their itineraries on an incredibly diverse array of destinations and include a huge range of activities you may never have considered trying. So if you want something different from your annual break and something exciting and memorable for the children, activity holidays are the way forward!

Why Book With a Dedicated Company?

While some families like to do their own thing, for those who consider a smaller, specialised company offering family activity holidays, there is often a very pleasant surprise in store. With a focus on the perfect blend of fun, action, adventure and bonding, these dedicated companies provide an experience far from typical. They are attracting more and more independent families with a love of travel, exploration and new activities.

Booking with a specialised company means that everything is organised in advance and you'll waste no time on any of the 'normal' holiday issues that arise. The relaxed and unobtrusive way the trips are put together means that you won’t feel like you are being herded along with huge numbers of other holidaymakers, but instead are made to feel like individuals. The experts who design the itineraries have a passion for what they do; their aim and ethos is to share that passion and introduce families to parts of the world they may never have otherwise thought of visiting.

The destinations for activity holidays are selected for their natural beauty and their accessibility to different activities - which may include kayaking, white water rafting, horse riding, skiing, hiking, cycling and many others. Steering clear of tourism ‘honey pots’, the best companies focus on the clients enjoying an authentic, cultural and exciting experience.

Booking with a specialised tour company also ensures a personal service from start to finish. Instead of doing everything blindly online, you can pick up the phone and talk to an expert. They will be able to advise and help with any queries you have - from accommodation questions, to issues around children’s different abilities. They are dedicated to your very best experience, and are there to take the strain and help everything run smoothly.

The best companies use local guides and staff, so that you will enjoy the 'real deal' in every destination. Employing local people is also a responsible way to run a tourism business and the people on the ground are chosen for their capabilities, philosophical outlook with regards tourism and customer service and, of course, their expertise.

Our wonderful world is one huge playground of opportunity, and family activity holidays offer you the chance to enjoy it. You and your family are guaranteed the time of your lives.

Richard Edwards is the Managing Director of Summit and Blue, a specialist adventure and activity holiday company offering independently crafted activity holidays to exciting destinations around the world, including France, Italy, Portugal, the USA and Canada. With unique itineraries and exciting activities like biking, hiking, white water rafting and canoeing, we create holidays for families looking for an experience a little more off the beaten track.