What Are The General Dentistry Solutions?
New Westminster or Yaletown dentistry solutions encompass a wide range of services geared up to ensure the dental well being of the patients. These can be anything from routine cleaning, checkups, to oral disease treatment or fitting of braces. The aim of all patients is to benefit from high-quality care with reasonable rates involved.
Routine evaluation and care
When you visit a dentist's chamber for the very first time you will undergo initial evaluation related to oral health. If a routine care is required involving cleaning and checkups your dentist will create a plan for you involving regular visits to his/her chambers.
Different specialty services
A. Endodontics: it involves treatment, diagnosis, and prevention of diseases related to teeth root. These strive to save the natural teeth of the patient through restoration of dental function and health.
B. Aesthetic/operative dentistry: here too preservation of natural dentition is the main aim with focus on the aesthetic beauty of smile. Such services address problems like erosion/tooth wear, disharmonious, dysfunctional smile, white spots, demineralization, fractures, and carious lesions. It also deals with intrinsic discoloration of teeth. One can undergo a variety of specialty treatments such as color restoration, porcelain veneer, bleaching, adhesive dentistry, and microabrasion.
C. Orofacial pain: as the name indicates, it’s all about oral pain and diseases such as jaw disorders, breathing issues, teeth grinding, and chronic headaches among others.
D. Maxillofacial treatments: A Yaletown dentist offers such treatment for deformities, injuries, diseases, or tumor is related to the jaw and the face of the patient. This may involve tooth extraction or surgery.
E. Orthodontics: orthodontic treatment ensures the correct line-up of teeth using braces and other devices.
F. Periodontics: this involves treatment and diagnosis of injuries and diseases related to bones, connective tissues and gum related to the teeth. It also involves implant placements in missing teeth areas.
G. Pediatric dentistry: A dentist in New Westminster offers specialization like pediatric care that involves dental treatment of infants to adolescents. Since they have special needs one has to give them a caring and relaxing environment so that the young patients feel free.
H. Prosthodontics: this involves maintenance, treatment, and rehabilitation of oral comfort, function, health and appearance. This is for patients having deficient or missing tissues or teeth. Such specialized procedures replace teeth using dentures or implant as well as correct any teeth misalignment that may be present.
Besides this, dentistry solutions also deal with urgent care and special patients from time to time, which represent critical cases like those who are compromised medically. Also, a number of elderly patients and those having one or other kind of disability are also treated under the specialized category. Urgent care, as clear from the name is all about treatment, prevention, and diagnosis of different medical emergencies stemming from dental condition or with a dental problem as one of the issues.
With something as serious as your teeth, do not dally or waste your time and benefit from the best dental solutions around. To know more you can visit the website Asantedental.ca.
About The Author
Dr Hussein Shivji and Dr Philip Kim at Asantedental.ca are among the most renowned dentists providing expert dentistry services including cosmetic dentistry and dental implants for individual or family in Vancouver (Yaletown) as well as New Westminster.