How To Get Xbox Live Membership For Free – Some Tips And Ideas

Author: Shawn Doherty

Gaming lovers are well aware of the fact that without an Xbox live gold membership, their gaming console will just not have the power and charm that it has the potential to have. The chance to play against the very best players in the world is very hard to pass. Then there is the fact that the most popular and premium versions of games are available exclusively to the gold members. Without an Xbox live account, most of the features of this gaming console will remain unlocked.

Yeah.. life can be unfair sometimes..

Getting your very own Xbox live gold membership will require you to bear a hefty annual fee that most online gamers find to be unfair. But getting access to all those premium features means paying a premium price for them right?

Not really!

The internet, as usual will come to your rescue here..

There are many websites today that offer free Xbox live gold membership if you agree to complete the task that that they stipulate. This can mean completing an online survey, downloading particular software or simply creating an online account with them. You can very well appreciate the fact that the lure of getting your hands on free Xbox membership has the potential of attracting hundreds of visitors. This is one of the main reasons why websites, whether it be an online comic book store or a tech discussion forum or even a travel blog, are ready to offer this service as a way to get hits on their site.

There are many other ways in which you can get this service. Acquiring the actual free gold Xbox Live codes used to mean that gamers would have to win a competition to acquire a code for free. The particular issue regarding this kind of account is actually that an individual will need to search for some time to find this kind of place. Even when a gamer has found a website that offers this the legitimacy will then be questioned. Finding a reliable source for free membership can be a hard task. It will require you to go through a rigorous online search and the results will have to be checked via trial and error method only. There are a lot of times these types of sites will suddenly no longer exist on the internet. They will close the site without warning and this has not only given a bad reputation, but also affected the legitimate sites.

Xbox live membership on the internet is one of those gold mines that gamers are always on the lookout for. Getting access to these premium features without having to bear the price can truly be a blessing. You should therefore trust the wisdom of experienced gamers and follow their advice as to which service provider is trustworthy and which is not.

In case you need any help in coming up with a gifting strategy or are looking to buy Xbox live membership, is the website to trust.

About The Author

Shawn DoHerty is a huge supporter of using gift cards as the perfect giveaway – whether for corporate marketing purposes or as a simple present to a loved one. He recommends as the best website to trust for iTunes gift cards, Xbox cards and more.