Reconnect and Make Great Memories on a Family Bike Tour Vacation
With hectic schedules and all of the obligations of daily life in our modern times it can sometimes be hard for families to connect, relax, and have fun together. Family bike tours are a good way to escape and do something healthy and different.
No matter your age, or the age of your children taking a ride together will let you unwind and explore together. Biking together is a great way to reconnect and make some new stories.
Options for riding can be found on many different kind of bike routes. Some bike tour routes follow roads. Others choose to take off-road on bike paths like Rail-Trails that might be made of pavement or cinder, a kind of crushed gravel. Some adventures take families on "off-road" mountain biking trails in places from mountains to deserts.
Equipment for Safe Family Bike Riding
Bike equipment today lets riders of all ages enjoy bicycle vacation. Families with young children (about age 5 and under) sometimes use bike trailers or carts where smaller kids ride inside. Older children can sometimes have an enjoyable time on a bike extension that adds a second seat and a third wheel to an adult bike. Families sometimes hop on a tandem, or triple bike that has seats for two or three riders.
Some bike educators believe that children under the age of 12 should be on an adult’s bike if you are riding on the road because it can be challenging to manage traffic. Of course there are exceptions to this, but regardless young riders should have direct supervision on bike tours.
Events with closed roads also offer some choices for children to ride their own bikes. Families can choose off-road route choices too if they prefer not to be around car traffic during their tour.
Organized Group Bike Events: Catering More to Families
Across the US you can find a variety of bike events that offer well organized bike rides for families. Tours range from single day events to week long rides over hundreds of miles.
You can find events that allow camping in group camp settings. This is a great way to add more adventure to the experience. Most events that offer camping have onsite amenities like showers and hot meals making it more pleasant to camp.
A new trend in the US in events is the Cyclovia. This kind of event is also called "Closed Street" event. Think of this as a kind of festival about biking and walking. Usually you can find games and other fun family activities to enjoy.
Organized events also offer the advantage of having planned routes that have been selected by experienced tour planners. If you want to check out the safety for kids, ask the event directors about their suggestions. Some events offer specific "family friendly" route lengths.
Many events offer "SAG" (Support and Gear) services that include support trucks / vans on the bike routes in case someone needs assistance for mechanical problems or exhaustion.
Plan Your Own Family Bike Tours
Planning your own family bike tour is another option. Here are some tips for making the best tour possible:
- Look for other family blogs or stories for ideas.
- Set your goals with realistic distances. Most families find they go slower than expected when kids are along.
- Consider purchasing a planned route from an organization that offers family bike tour maps.
- Have back up options for transportation set up. This might include short cutting your ride with family help, rental cars, trains, etc…
- Plan for sun, heat, rain, and being hungry.
- Make reservations early for lodging and camping. Don’t run the risk of finding things booked when you arrive tired at the end of the day.
- Tune up your gear before you go. Make sure everything is in good working order. Consulting mechanics and touring experienced riders can help work out the kinks.
- Learn how to do the basic on route repairs. Change a tire, fix a chain, adjust seats and brakes. Carry tools and a few spare parts.
- Start easy. Take a 1-2 day family bike tour to start. This will let you test out abilities, gear, and
Affordable Fun Family Vacation: Bike Touring
Family bike tours is a wonderful way to have an affordable vacation where you can relax, unwind, and make great memories. Escape the hectic pace of your daily life with a bike event that caters to families or do some research and plan your own bike tour. Bike touring trips can be affordable and healthy. Camping is a fun way to add a memorable adventure for children that so often spend time on digital devices. Families have the choice to join planned organized bike events or to create their own bike touring plan. Without a doubt taking a bike vacation is something you will never forget.
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