Vishwapriya Chakraborty Describes Ways To Prevent People From Becoming A Victim Of Identity Theft

Author: John Sorrell

Vishwapriya Chakraborty from Philadelphia, PA runs an online security agency for a variety of companies and individuals from all backgrounds. He provides the best protection against spyware, and other dangerous virus that can damage your computer, and can steal your personal information. For the last 15 years, he has been offering top notch services at affordable prices. He has a huge clientele base, and has many branches in every corner of the world, including India. He is dedicated to excelling in the expectations of his clients by providing long lasting solutions for their issues related to online security protection.

Vishwapriya explains some ways to prevent people from becoming a victim of identity theft. These include:

Use A Safe Browser for Surfing:

He tells that utilizing a safe browser can greatly decrease the risk of getting malware. Vishwapriya Chakraborty from Philadelphia, PA advices people to update their Windows Internet Explore to IE 8.0 for advanced security features, if they are using IE 6.0 or below. Internet Explorer has always been the major target of hackers, and utilizing an older IE can make users prone to various malware.

Keeping Windows Up to Date:

He recommends users to keep their computer updated, as updating Windows assist patch up loopholes, which malware might interfere. Vishwapriya highly recommends installing newer version of Windows for better protection, for instance, individuals using Windows XP can install Windows XP SP3 or SP2.

Enabling Firewall:

A firewall is considered as a filter to assist protect against viruses or hackers. He suggests people to enable their firewall to prevent multifarious connections to their computer. In addition to this, it also assists prevent hackers from encroaching their systems.

Installing Anti Virus Software:

Vishwapriya Chakraborty from Philadelphia, PA describes that installing an anti virus is the best protection against spyware or malware, as it automatically blocks them while surfing the web. Users can invest in an excellent anti-virus software, for instance, Norton or Kaspersky, and should update them frequently to block out the current viruses.

Using A Restricted User Account:

Most of the users might not know that using the default administrator account makes them an easy target for viruses and malware. The best way is to make a normal user account along with password protection without any administrator allowance.

If you are facing any type of internet security issues, waste no time and contact Vishwapriya Chakraborty who offers the most advanced online protection in Philadelphia, PA.