When it comes to advertising your business visit - SignageLite

Author: Jared Brock

When it comes to advertising your business, it is important to come up with new, fresh ways to capture the attention of your customers. A digital signage player, also known as a media player is a device that is used to display a variety of visual media on a public screen, usually for the purposes of advertisement. These are commonly used to provide the media that you see on screens located in hotel lobbies, airports, restaurants that offer digital menus, stadiums and more.

With the constantly changing business world, it has become increasingly important to think outside the box when it comes to advertising your business. And while digital signage players have often only been used by larger organizations due to their high cost of acquisition as well as the level of complexity it takes to use one, today's technological advances have made digital signage players accessible for a wide range of businesses, including small business. Smart AVI has recently introduced the smallest digital signage player currently available. This player is designed to help small businesses create a large business look and feel, netting them more customers and a larger market share.

The SignageLite has the ability to reproduce promotional content in an eye catching 1080p resolution that is color saturated to produce vivid images. This not only captures the attention of those in the immediate area, the vibrant images hold their attention for precious seconds, allowing the company's message to be communicated more effectively. In addition, it is WI-FI enabled and has the capacity to control multiple locations with one player, making it very cost effective to use. However, the main claim to fame is this player's small size and relatively small cost of acquisition.

For those looking for a different way to advertise their businesses, the use of a digital signage player may be the answer.

For more information SmartAVI visit - http://www.smartavi.com/