The Evolution Of The SCADA System
Nowadays, most organizations, especially large scale factories and industrial units make use of SCADA systems. There is much need to coordinate different machines and operations that are interdependent and are taking place in different parts of a large region or are remotely connected. With these kinds of business issues, the SCADA systems offer the best way to supervise the data collection, assimilation and analysis of the same. Many management representatives are skeptical about the use of a SCADA system and how it can automatically run the different functions, allow the critical data to be uploaded, analyzed and reported to the right access points. For these reasons, the systems that include a human to machine interface is much needed.
Initial thoughts on an HMI SCADA system was that, it will allow an individual to monitor the data, change it, intervene in the actions mentioned and so forth. The supervisory element of a SCADA systems is the most crucial and helpful aspect. As these systems are usually put in place to monitor different processes and industrial activities that are taking place across a large region or remote, there has to be a central control point where all activities are reported, anomalies are notified and changes in data, administrative rights and other activities can be performed.
Many view the automatic mode of operation of these systems with skepticism. They are unsure whether the machines and the processes will work right and whether anomalies or problems will be detected in time. For these reasons, the human to machine interface systems are necessary for these applications. The programming needs to be done in a way that the system functions in automatic mode with regular or periodic checks at different points and to highlight concern areas for human intervention.
At the time the SCADA system were evolving, the human intervention was limited to a reactive mode. When something malfunctioned, these points showed up in the data assimilation or report generation process and accordingly, intervention was planned. However, today, many sophisticated versions are available that can be programmed to highlight concern areas before any malfunction or serious loss or damage is noted. Hence, check points are inserted in places before crucial end points are achieved. For instance, the machines that are linked to a production unit are checked as per a certain set of parameters. If there is any anomaly noted, this is reported even though there has been no effect on productivity. These proactive check points being inserted in the sophisticated systems of today allow the operators and managers to predict any problems that might take place and accordingly take action.
These systems are nowadays aiding in decision making and proactive management. Managers and operators can do risk management and decision making in an accurate manner with the inputs received from the system. There are many automated system manufacturers who are making these features part of the SCADA system applicable for different industries and factories. As a result, business owners can look forward to timely management of issues and better supervisory control due to the establishment of these systems.
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Pioneer in the industry of automation, flexible manufacturing SCADA systems, CNCs and so on, has presented his views here about and System SCADA. You can consult Mr. Archer Finch for any technical advice, or clarifications.