Advantages of a Basement Dehumidifier!
We utilize basement for several functions such as goods storage, laundry area, store room, family room or a bathroom. This is the reason keeping basement clean and moisture free is quite necessary.
To accomplish this best option is to use a basement dehumidifier which can effectively reduce dampness. In the following sections let us look at some of the main applications of these humidity controllers.
Various Applications of Humidity Controllers
Reducing Dampness
In case of high moisture levels in the basement, the metal pipes and similar metal devices start rusting and get damaged.
Dampness can also ruin your carpets as well as rugs. Dampness will also smudge the paint on basement walls.
Moisture will also warp the wooden flooring as well as damage it.
All these problems can be easily solved by using a humidity controller in your basement.
Mold Problem
Mold growth is facilitated by moisture and humidity. Dehumidifiers can help to keep the relative humidity (RH) within controlled limits of about 50% and help in preventing mold growth. Such mold can result in health issues like cold and flu, as such it is quite necessary to control mold growth in the basement.
Bad Odor
Dampness can result in creation of strong stench and the solution is to utilize a dehumidifier. These have HEPA as well as carbon filters which keep the basement dust as well as stench free.
Moisture and Allergies
Allergens like mold and fungi thrive in damp environments. Such high moisture levels also promote growth of various insects like roaches and centipedes. In case you have allergy problem then these can result in rashes as well as itchiness.
Respiratory Issues
People with asthma find it difficult to properly breathe while they are present in the basement. This happens due to reduced amount of oxygen available in humid air. By using a humidity controller you can reduce moisture levels and make if safe for family member who is suffering from asthma.
Features of Dehumidifiers
Corrosion Prevention
Normally corrosion takes place due to chemical reactions and most such reactions are dependent on oxygen. Such reactions are accelerated as well as catalyzed by presence of high moisture in the basement.
Preventing Condensation
In case any cold surface gets surrounded by damp air, then in such situation water vapor starts condensing over the surface similar to sweat over a chilled beer glass. This can lead to many different problems such as stress corrosion and shorten life span of appliances present in the basement.
Prevention of Moisture Regain
Most substances attract moisture, even plastics. Like for example, plastic resins such as nylon cans are known to gain moisture equivalent to 6-10% of their weight. Such moisture gain can impinge on critical dimension of many appliances similar to problems caused by thermal expansion.
A simple example would be of salt shaker present in every home. On very humid days moisture regain tends to clog the holes in salt shaker. By using a basement dehumidifier you can prevent such problems.