Career in printing, publication and broadcasting industry
Career in printing, publication and broadcasting industry
In a bookselling career the accent is on knowing your product and on selling it. It is important to keep up to date by reading new books and reviews in order to assist customers and display the books to advantage. The ability to find information in catalogues and directories, and particularly on computer, is essential. Bookselling managers order new stock and Endeavour to give their shops an image that will attract regular customers. They may build up mail order and institutional supply connections and participate in author promotions - some larger bookshops have their own marketing departments.
Qualifications and Training
A good general education is essential. Some bookshops require education to degree level. The industry recognized qualification, the Diploma in Professional Bookselling. is available through The Book- sellers Association of Great Britain and Ireland together with a number of comprehensive training resources.
Personal Qualities
A liking for hooks and people, good general knowledge and an interest in reading and handling hooks are necessary, as too are good health and stamina for a job which involves much standing. Customer care is essential to create a friendly and reassuring atmosphere here book-buyers know that they are being looked after by professional. knowledgeable staff, in an efficient manner.
Starting Salary
Salaries are usually negotiable in small shops and many booksellers work part time. Salary ranges are (with London being at the top end of each range): sales assistants £7500-£l000. senior assistants £8000—fl0,500, managers £l0,000—fJ8,000. Managers of larger chains can earn up to £35,000.
Career in Broadcasting
The aim of radio and television is communication. The range of programmes offered is enormous: news. entertainment, sport. music, documentaries, drama and education. to name some. There is also a great variety of different jobs under the general heading of ‘broadcasting’. Any of the jobs in radio and television require special knoxvledge. training and experience. Newcomers must know what skills and qualities they have and match them to the job areas within the industry Jobs in the BBC open to new entrants are advertised in the national press and a summary appears on CEEFAX page 696,
It is important to be able to demonstrate your enthusiasm through practical involvement in relevant activities — hospital/community radio, writing for a school/college newspaper, photography or working behind the scenes in amateur theatre, for example.
Journalists work in radio and television collecting information and reporting on news and general interest items. They interview people, attend public events, compile reports and may carry out background research for programmes. Keyboard skills are essential as information is put directly on to computer.