HP0-M102 ExpertONE Certification Test -Exam Actual Training Kits

Author: Safun Aman

HP0-M102, HP Unified Functional Testing 12.x Software is a proctored certification exam offered by HP. This certification test will examine your expertise on running and designing API tests, business process tests and GUI tests with unified functional testing 12.x software. This exam determine your understanding on basic BPT and GUI tests formation, automated test arrangement, API test generation, enhancements, automated test troubleshooting, automated test verifications, modular automated test creates, ALM and QTP integration, knowing about how HP UFT works with objects and their features, result and implementation analysis, advanced UFT automation scripts and UFT scripting and how to work with HP Service virtualization.

HP0-M102, HP Unified Functional Testing 12.x Software certification test is for the UFT subject matter experts and quality testers responsible for automating API, GUI and BPT tests with HP UFT 12.x software and for quality aplomb engineers who understand technical lead roles in the use of UFT tools. Candidates who have minimum 6 months of working experience with HP UFT version 12.x can apply for this certification exam. This certification exam will be takes through dedicated testing center in association with HP and this exam. Candidates must have Pearson VUE account and HP Learner ID at the time of registration for HP0-M102, HP Unified Functional Testing 12.x Software exam. No external resource of help will be allowed at testing website during the exam. One important thing about exam is if you solve one question, then you are not able to go back to check or change your answer. You need to check them first accurately.

This certification exam is consists of 75 questions. There are 3 types of these 75 technical questions such as matching answers, single response answer and multiple response answers. Willing participants should have to clear all these questions with the time period of 2 hours or 120 minutes. HP0-M102, HP Unified Functional Testing 12.x Software certification test is available in English language. Exam questions are from the syllabus given below. This syllabus is in the shape of topics or objectives covered in the exam. All topics have their own worth and importance in the exam for the help of freshens to learn exam with ease. These topics are:

  • 15 Percent) HP UFT Overview
  • 10 Percent) Create a basic GUI test
  • 11 Percent) Verify and enhance a basic GUI test
  • 05 Percent) Business Process Testing
  • 07 Percent) API Testing with UFT
  • 08 Percent) Run UFT tests and analyze results
  • 07 Percent) Integrate testing solutions with UFT
  • 07 Percent) Configure UFT
  • 07 Percent) Basic troubleshooting
  • 08 Percent) Advanced Scripting
  • 07 Percent) Work with Web applications
  • 03 Percent) Service Virtualization
  • 05 Percent) UFT Automation Scripts

Passing score for HP0-M102, HP Unified Functional Testing 12.x Software certification exam is 65%. Candidates must have to solve 49 questions out of 75. Willing participants should have to use the training kits, sample questions, free demo and preparation guides from CertifyGuide for the high success rate and guaranteed passing tips. Because the study guides and practice tests from Certify Guide are prepared with the help of experts in the field of HP and Information Technology.

CertifyGuide supplies a comprehensive Variety of PDF Questions and Answers collection, which is prepare by skilled and competent vendors regarding HP ExpertONE Study Kits and Hp0-M46 Actual Exam.