Express Exclusive: Exclusivity in Construction
In this scenario, the demand for an exclusive address is gaining increasing momentum. A location that is prime, a house that stands out in terms of design, interiors, and exteriors, or an address that is singular.
When these are the features that make the cut, then there isn’t a better real estate developer in the market to fulfill them, but Express Exclusive.
Being in the shadows of Mumbai and Delhi, Chennai has always been regarded as the fourth metro city. Its real estate was never in comparison with that of the glamour of Mumbai or the diplomatic and political clout of Delhi. But the scenario is changing now and Express Exclusive is the reason for it.
Their projects spell luxury like no other. Built on massive pieces of land, the projects of Express Exclusive leave no stone unturned to come up with remarkably luxurious properties.
Till the entry of Express Exclusive, Chennai real estate wasn’t known for its foray into the luxury segment of real estate. But the architectural brilliance of Express Exclusive has stunned all. Luxury homes in Chennai, luxury apartments in Chennai, luxury condominiums in Chennai, air-conditioned apartments in Chennai and duplexes in Chennai, these terms have become commonplace because of Express Exclusive. India is taking note of the real estate situation in Chennai and it is gaining traction, like how!
Chennai, per say, is a city, regarded as the heart of the South. It is one of the most developed cities in the south of India and offers ample opportunities for growth. It is naturally beautiful as well, housing one of the most attractive beaches of India, the Marina Beach.
But all this alone is not enough to attract the interest of the country’s population to invest in the real estate here. The beauty of the city does add the allure of making it an ideal location to invest in a holiday home, but the real estate in the city needs to invite the population that indulges in such real estate buying. Express Exclusive has been able to fill that gap with its work.
Their upcoming project in Chennai is working on developing luxury homes in CBD Chennai. The work of Express Exclusive is based on not just providing the best in terms of luxury, but also developing distinguishing properties. No two properties developed by them exhibit the same features. They pride themselves for trademark designs and unique interiors. From using the latest in home-automation, IPad controlled AC and lighting, smart card access control to keeping the property engulfed by green cover, development of water and sewage treatment plants and rain water harvesting, Express Exclusive has made extremes meet. It is a genuine example of technical advancements co-existing with nature and environment.