Take Advantage Of Staffing Solutions Provided By RPO Agencies
The growth of a company always depends on the dedication and expertise of its staff. Every company faces the problem of attrition when talented staff leaves the company for various reasons. It becomes very difficult to find replacements for these vacant posts at a short notice. The productivity of the company suffers as long as there is no one available to fill these posts. It becomes vital for the company to fill up vacancy with a suitable candidate as soon as possible. The internal recruitment department which is the Human Resource department has to work overtime to do this job.
Alternative to DIY recruitment
The best alternative for the company is to outsource this recruitment job to external bodies that have the perfect Staffing Solutions. for recruiting fresh talent from a pool of probable candidates. A huge infrastructure and database are required to recruit the talent you need for your company. Most of the companies lack this infrastructure or the manpower to do the job on its own. The companies that deal with Recruitment Process outsourcing are the ideal people to whom you can hand over the process of recruiting fresh talent. It helps to shift a large volume of the workload out of the company into expert hands.
Filling up of posts
The RPO companies that can act as the Staffing Agency. for your company can provide some benefits for your company. One of these benefits is that you will be able to fill up the posts that have fallen vacant 20 to 40 percent faster. The workload of the internal departments for recruiting new staff will get reduced by 35 to 65 percent thus giving them more time to work on other important matters. Since the work is being done by a different organization, your overheads for the recruitment process can also get reduced by 145 to 35 percent.
Details of recruitment process
The RPO agencies will discuss with you and find out your business requirements. They will do the job of procuring CVS from suitable candidates, interview and select them. They will negotiate on your behalf and offer jobs to the right candidates. After the candidate joins your company the same companies will follow up with candidates and find out if the job is what they were looking for. They will discuss with you regarding the expectations of the new candidates. In this way, early attritions will come down by 10 to 20 percent and the chances of posts falling vacant for long periods of time will not be there anymore.
The One Percent specialized is a Staffing Solutions. which meet all your staffing Solutions and quickly filling vacancies with qualified and diverse candidates.