Safety Tips For Dirt Biking

Author: Rajat Tyagi

Dirt biking is a an adventurous sport which has many enthusiasts. The thrill of traversing dirt trails or wild plains is what makes the sport so enthralling. However, no matter how adventurous it may seem, taking care of safety measures is something which cannot be compromised on.

This post talks about what to give your attention to.

Off-road vehicles like dirt bikes or Dune Buggies in India involve driving on muddy tracks, shifty dunes, kicking up sand and mud, and if you are riding in the wild, then abrupt hurdles which can sometimes be deadly.

Nonetheless, this is a sport that lives in the heart of many bike lovers and adrenaline junkies and no matter what lies ahead, they are always ready to take risks.

However, risk-taking while dirt or dune biking is only justified when you have all the safety measures in place. The following is what we are talking about:

1. Safety Gear:

You need to have a helmet, goggles, neck brace, chest protector, hydration pack, undergear shorts, knee braces, moto socks, and boots to be properly dressed for dirt biking. A popular saying goes like this: Dress for the crash, not the bike. Clearly, safety gear is the first protection you will have in case of any untoward event. Make sure that the gear is of good quality and make, and fits you well. The items listed here will not only protect you, knowing that you are protected will also give you confidence to ride faster and better.

2. Unexpected Elements:

If you are driving through the woods, you are very likely to come across unexpected elements like wires, fencing material, bushes or undergrowth, fallen trees, low branches, animals, exposed roots, rocks, mud, rain, dust, sand, or even a cliff. These hurdles can be fatal sometimes. If you are driving speedily along a path and a cliff comes up, you can just imagine what can happen next. That is why, dirt biking requires a lot of quick reflexes. The best course of action is to drive slowly on unknown trail so that you have enough time to react properly if something does come up. And most importantly, never go dirt biking alone.

3. Discipline on Track:

If you are in a dirt race, and a faster rider is coming back up, don’t try to manoeuvre and jump if you are not confident about it. It’s best to stay on your track. The rider behind you will see you and make a way past. If you are a slower rider, it’s best to stay in the right extreme of the trail and move in a straight line. Not maintaining a straight path might end up with you run over by another bike or in a collision with another rider.

These were some considerations you have no option but to follow if you do not want yourself to be the victim of pain, because no matter whether you are a beginner or an expert, pain does not discriminate in anyone’s favor.

Are you an off-roader in India? Tells us what you favorite destinations are.