Stick Around Your Customer for Longer Time with Printed Wall Calendars

Author: Chris Gayle

It is a well-known fact that marketing can make or break even the biggest businesses, hence the reason why companies spend millions in order to promote their products, their services, or simply their company name. Promoting a business does not only involve TV commercials and full-page newspaper ads. In fact, only very large companies can afford such luxuries, but that does not mean that small business have no options at all. To the contrary, small businesses can take advantage of cost effective internet marketing, they can advertise in local magazines, and of course, they can make use of promotional giveaways. Giveaways in particular can be a very effective tool, because everybody loves to get something free.

For many of us, knowing the date is just as important as knowing the time. From birthdays to meetings and from work deadlines to summer vacations--knowing the date allows us to plan our day-to-day schedules. Consider the fact that they adorn the walls of people everywhere for entire calendar years – naturally! It means that they have some serious promotional staying power.

Here are few reasons why to invest in promotional wall calendars:

  • Affordable- fairly inexpensive and more value from advertising expenditure
  • Practical- used on daily basis and hangs on wall for complete year
  • Long lasting power- effective way to promote the brand
  • Varied- multitude of options from design to size
  • Easy to distribute and can be given to anyone

Perfect time to gift wall calendar to your potential clients is mid-November so that your calendar is the first one to hang on their walls. Moreover, when it comes to reasonably priced giveaways during Christmas, it takes a lot to beat the effectiveness of wall calendars.

Wall calendar printing is cost effective, and because calendars are also readily available, they are simply ideal for almost any type of marketing campaign. Ideally, promotional calendars should display company logo and contact details. But at the same time, the calendars also need to be visually appealing so those who receive them will be happy to display them. When done correctly, company branded calendars can even become collectable and very valuable, while at the same time, they continue to promote the company. If you are in the process of choosing a promotional giveaway, then you should certainly consider wall calendars. They are the gift that keeps on giving every day of the year!

Dr Print supply an extensive range of Promotional Wall Calendars. Print Your Business Logo on Wall Calendars.