Homepage Animated and Explanatory Videos Can Help in a Big Way

Author: Donnie Gabreal

There are also explanation videos which directly help people to learn programming or to solve some math problems. There are many video tutorials on calculus for instance. These are particularly useful for those who want to save money and time by not visiting some formal institution to acquire that same knowledge, when they can easily learn it at home only. One only needs a fast enough internet connection. This should suffice when it comes to availing such videos which are being shown live, via podcast or webcam etc. Generally, these are called webinars or web seminars. It also allows people to interact with others with similar needs or interests. It is often a good idea to use animated videos to send home the message. This can have particularly strong impact on children. Tough subjects like physics and economics often take the help of such videos to explain matters to the viewers. This makes the subject less boring, less dull and indeed more captivating and interesting.

The video can even be set as the homepage video. This is important because the video may hold the key information to the site as well. For example, a website about a software that the company is selling, may have a video capsule right at the homepage of the website, which either starts playing automatically or can be played on clicking. The role may be to simply educate primarily about the nature of the product itself. Many people, for instance, don’t know well about the clear and present danger regarding the internet attacks, phishing and spying and viruses etc. There are also helping videos available for SEO or search engine optimization. People having knowledge in this field can record such a video following all basic points and this can be mighty useful for anyone looking to launch a new site. The video should be playable in most of the common video players, like VLC, GOM etc. This will ensure that the video being seen by maximum number of people. Sometimes, these videos are also downloadable, but this option may or may not be present. This will depend on the commercial aspects of the project.

Many people set up websites which act as guides in different topics. This can be related to academic subjects like mathematics, economics or physics. This can also be related to computer science, which is rather common. These videos explain to the visitors of these websites how to perform certain actions or how to get things done etc. For example, explanation videos may be about how to build a makeshift tree house. A person having the experience may actually get a friend or relative to shoot the video while he actually builds the thing. He then details all the steps for the convenience of the watcher. Often these videos are called explainer video. Such a video can have a great role in spreading knowledge and in general, raising level of awareness. For example, many myth busters and anti superstition activists have shown how fraudsters have been duping people with their tricks. These videos are priceless as they serve a social purpose.