Business Transformations with Enterprise Architecture Consultancy

Author: Bill Arthur

Business strategy is the key of all developmental concepts. Strategising the process and structure of the organizations, their workforce, etc can be discussed with the experts of enterprise architecture consultancy. Implementations of revamped strategies are being assisted by the enterprise architects in most organizations, these days. The modern enterprise architecture or EA concept is associated with various classifications, frameworks, and toolsets. The new age solutions or architects brought massive changes to the scenario of the traditional structure of EA.

Today’s Enterprise Architecture Services:

Lots of new things added to the primitive concepts of EA over last few years. The definitions and approaches have been changed notably. The new age architects are now more focussed towards solutions rather documentations only. Previously, EA was only used by the organisations for getting a clearer view of their own structure and workings. Nowadays, it became an essential mechanism for providing a route map for bringing business and technology change in the organisation. The meaning of route planner feels more obvious with these approaches.

Synchronization of new ideas and process documentations is really having enough scope for the organisations, to adopt the systematic IT planning or architecting. In fact, many people found it as a supportive element for decision-making and improved analysis. More benefits of this story will be nurtured with enterprise architecture training, research and implementations further.

The knowledge and modern tools of EA are delivering superior values to the organisations. Expert architects classified the whole process of the EA into various phases. They start with discovering architecture functions, goals and necessity of alignment. Subsequently they move towards setup of the architecture team along with making use of tools and techniques, for initiating the architecture function. And finally, they come with some valid solutions.

The approaches of the enterprise architecture services vary accordingly many factors. Mainly the complexity in the organisational structure, size and type of the organisation, etc matters a lot. In effect, both issues and solutions also found apparent and distinguishable. Unlike the traditional EA techniques, modern architects are truly bringing real value for the organizations. It becomes more viable when the process confirms use of all the resources efficiently.

  • Strategy Development – Most companies are finding best solutions to get rid of failure of execution of their strategies. Here, EA assists the organisation to select and execute the best stratagem.
  • Planning – In terms of capability-based planning, enterprise architecture consultancy experts synchronizes the strategy and realisation well.
  • Portfolio Management – EA’s coherent portfolio management practice defines more ways of investment planning. Here, business transformations get a new approach with enterprise architecture training.
  • Program Management – It helps in running change initiatives from the view of business outcomes.
  • Risk Management – The whole process also makes the organisation to be focused towards the business-relevant risks.
  • Regulatory Compliance – The developments in the organisation gets channelized with the EA proceedings.
  • Consistency – Continuous delivery and improvement at the organisation becomes more feasible with this approach.

Right from embedding of EA practice to project based implementation and capability based planning gets organised. The enterprise architects really made the business transformation goals obvious.

Bill Arthur is an expert in a reputed management consulting firm and has rendered his services to various organisations. He advises companies to seek the help of enterprise architecture consultancy and services for best results. They provide enterprise architecture services to understand their company and boost its performance. These consultancies also provide special enterprise architecture training courses.