Breast Reduction Surgery- A Great Relief For Many Women!

Author: Kiran Polavarapu

Women who have over-sized and large breasts, undergoing breast reduction procedure is an ideal option for them. The surgery includes removing excess breast fat, skin and glandular tissue from the breasts to improve shape and minimize the difficulties caused by over-sized breasts. With breast reduction surgery performed in a reputable surgical center, women can expect well-shaped breasts that are more proportionate to their body and an attractive bustline.

Most of the women wait to undergo breast reduction in Fort Worth, until their breasts have fully developed. For women with large breasts who experience poor posture from heavy breasts, chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain, and who are restricted in their activities due solely to breast size, this surgical procedure offers them the opportunity to improve their quality of life while eliminating certain medical problems.

Another important consideration for women thinking of having breast reduction surgery is pregnancy. If a woman has not yet become pregnant, or is still considering the option of having another child, she may want to consider postponing a breast reduction surgery until her family is complete. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the breasts undergo many changes. These changes may affect the outcome of the surgical procedure, as well as presenting special challenges when trying to breastfeed. In most of the cases, it would be advisable to wait until the child bearing period has passed. Does this mean waiting until after menopause, no, just waiting until your own personal family size is complete.

As with any surgery, breast reduction surgery is not without risks. A woman may experience such adverse reactions with this type of surgery that are common in other surgeries, such as bleeding, chance of infection, and negative reactions to anesthesia. Outcomes specific to this type of surgery can include the loss of sensation in the nipple and areola area, or even actual possible loss of those areas. A woman will also experience scarring of the breast tissue, and possible asymmetrical shape of breasts.

Once done with the surgical procedure of breast reduction in Fort Worth, a woman will experience a period of soreness and tenderness, and sensitivity and swelling that may last for up to several months after the surgery. As with any elective surgery, make sure to carefully discuss with your doctor all of the advantages, disadvantages, and risks associated with this surgery. After you have all of the facts, see what conclusion you arrive at and decide whether or not to follow through with the surgery.

Like all surgeries, breast reduction also carry certain risks. It may result to swelling, infection, bleeding and bruising. Breast reduction scars may also appear on some individuals depending on the patient's body and natural healing capability. Scars may also appear depending on the surgical technique used. In some patients, the surgical procedure may also lead to the reduction or even complete loss of nipple sensation on the affected breast, which could be temporary or permanent. In some cases, the procedure may even interfere with breastfeeding.

Many women feel almost immediate relief after the surgery and experience a great boost in their overall confidence. All of these reasons should inspire women experiencing pain due to large breasts to explore their options for breast reduction. Start your search by looking for a qualified surgeon for breast reduction in Fort Worth with experience performing the surgery to ensure quality results.