Digital Forensics and Its Role in Solving Various Legal Cases

Author: Jenny Devid

When we talk about digital forensics, oftentimes we might be able to connote it with science fiction. However, however there is truth to it. Its theories and applications do apply in the real world of crime scene investigations. Computer Forensics Investigator must be like the typical investigator with a magnifying lens in use. Indeed, that should be his image because one must be able to search every corner and nook to find even the slightest and the minutest detail which might serve as vital and crucial evidence that might actually solve the case.

A computer forensic expert witness must be well keen on carefully scrutinizing any type of possible evidence in such a manner that no corner or stone should be left unturned because in the world of digital forensics, a computer forensic expert witness considers all aspect. In any given legal case, there should be no room for trust. Everything should be considered as potential evidence to the case and everyone should be considered a potential suspect or an accessory to the crime. Thus, it is only but practical that computer forensics would greatly help in the solving of the crime by not neglecting any possible corroboration on the said case.

Moreover, digital forensics also deals with the recognition and assessment of any discovered possible evidence on the case. A Computer forensic expert witness uses the scientific method of retrieving and recognizing any possible evidence to the case. In the same manner, a computer forensic expert witness must be able to acquire evidence and facts related to the case in a scientific system which involves the purpose of recognizing, safeguarding, obtaining, and assessing assorted information acquired from the said evidence. It also helps to point out that the evidence as acquired by a computer forensic expert witness have been considered to be the most authentic and reliable evident to be presented in court.

Because the use of technology has already been inculcated in our lifestyle, it is only fair and wise to instill in the legal system the related use of computer forensic expert witness. This being said, the use of technology has also been developed to aid several crimes. Because of this innovation, there may be various structures in which a law can be broken through the aid of any digitally enhanced schemes. True, modern crimes have been evolving towards high technology innovation and digital modernization. But computer forensic expert witness does not allow his expertise to be left behind in the race of digital and computer enhancement.

Whether it is a crime, a fraud, cyber stalking, or any other case that provides reason enough to be presented in court, know that computer forensic expert witness provides the best evidence and the best chance for you to win in court.