Pipe clips are an inseparable gadget in every plumbing and electrical work

Author: Ravi Deepooa

When you carefully observe any of the plumbing or electrical works, you will find that a clip holds pipes or wires or other electrical gadgets preventing them from falling down or disintegrating. This simple and small gadget is called ‘pipe clip’. These clips are now extensively used in various other fields like automobile, aviation and in several other manufacturing processes. As one of the Pipe Clips Manufacturer in Mauritius mention, as a result of its wide-ranging applications, there has been a constant increase in the demand for the clips.

Interestingly, these clips are a simple gadget, but it plays a pivotal role in routing and holding the pipes or wires in an orderly and secured manner. Perhaps, the following details will provide you a clear insight into the features of these clips.

Plastic over metallic clips: There was a time when clips were made of metals like, for example, copper, aluminum and so on. However, these metallic clips were prone to rust. Further, fixing the metallic clips and routing the pipes or wires through it was a cumbersome procedure. In order to overcome these drawbacks, some of the innovative Pipe Clips Manufacturers in Mauritius and other parts of the world have introduced plastic pipe clips. These manufacturers have started making clips using superior quality plastic and Nylon, which are capable of withstanding a temperature as low as -45 degree centigrade. Moreover, these plastic clips are rustproof, and they can even withstand acidic reactions.

Light weight: As you know, plastic is a lighter product as compared to metals and yet plastic clips are known for their superior strength. Further, normally metallic clips will have to be thoroughly cleaned at regular intervals to prevent corrosion. However, plastic clips are maintenance free and do not require any kind of periodic inspection.

Installation: As already said, metallic clips have a lengthy installation process like soldering, fixing of bolts and nuts and such other processes. However, plastic requires has none of these cumbersome processes. As technicians point out, it hardly takes few minutes to install a plastic clip.

Cost effective: Plastic clips are considerably cheaper as compared to metallic clips. The clips are designed to last for several years. Therefore, unlike metallic clips, the plastic products do not require periodic replacements.

Greater demand:

With so much of unique features, it is no wonder modern industrial production processes have leaned towards plastic pipe clips as against the conventional metallic clips. With so many utilities, the demand for plastic pipe clips will increase further in the near future.