Photography Prop Ideas for Animals

Author: John Josesaf

Prop is an important object used during photography to have interesting setting and mood of the subject. Props are usually selected according to the personality of person. Props often tell the reasons of taking any photo, it is important to consider the nature of occasion and personality of the person before selecting any prop. You can set any prop for adults but in case of kids and animals, you have to face different difficulties in adjustment. Propos are important to set the mood and environment for picture, but wrong selection of prop can ruin everything. Taking animal’s portrait can be quite challenging because just like children, you cannot force animals to stay at one place with patience. In this situation, you can click lots of bad pictures instead of clicking really funny pictures. In order to click a particular picture, you have to plan everything in advance.

Selection of Props

Right selection of props will prove really helpful and you can click lots of really funny images. Following are some props that prove simply helpful while your photography experience with animals:

  • Basket and Tubs

If you are planning to photograph funny pictures of kittens and puppies, use small basket to convey relationship of these items with young animals who are still in the process of learning about new world. Basket will provide you sufficient area to take different photos without having any trouble. Bathtub, another good prop, it is used for naughty puppies because it is hard for them to climb out. It will help you to click lots of interesting and really funny pics.

  • Chaise Lounge

Large pets, such as a Great Dane, can cause problems while photography and it will be quite difficult for you to have great photo. Chaise lounge is a best prop that is used to accommodate large animals and you can easily get best poses for your photography. Chaise lounge helps them to lie down, sit with curled up legs or in regal appearance.

  • Rocking Horse

It is a best prop for smaller animals like rabbit and puppies. It is a playful prop that is quite interesting to get variety of poses to click really funny pictures of animals.Rocking horse can provide great balance to small animals and they can easily give you variety of poses to generate great laughter.

  • Hats and Food

In order to click really funny pixof animals, you can use food items, party hats and other accessories. Some animals like to put hats of their heads so it will be a great chance. Do not forget to check the nature of animals, because some animals can show strange behavior for hats. You can offer toys and food items to capture their playing moods. It will be good to offer them rewards on every good click to motivate them for more and more funny as well as interesting pictures.Bones, snacks and different tasty treats can tempt food loving animals and they will surely start cooperating with you.

Find more information relating to Really funny pictures, and what to do when bored here.