Simple Steps to Create Animated Product Demo

Author: Broadcast 2World

An animated product demo is one of the best ways to promote products, educate people, and spread advocacies. It is quickly gaining popularity among huge companies as it is informative, fun to watch, and effective. Due to its growing popularity, the demand for animators has surged—opening greater opportunities for both professional and freelance artists alike. If you want to be a part of this radical change, then here are a few simple steps to create an animated product demo.

  • Prepare the script- Make it simple and concise. In your script, you will need to tackle a few important details such as the problem, the solution, probable scenarios or outcome, and the benefits of your solution. End it with a call to action. The script will be the foundation of your presentation and will also serve as a guide on how you will go through the entire project.
  • Voice Over - Creating a voice over is as simple as recording your voice using your phone, PC, or any audio recording device that is available. You can also make use of text-to-speech software or hire a professional voice-over artist if the budget permits. The voice-over or audio file will be crucial for the project as it will give you a rough estimate of the over-all length of the video you will be producing.
  • Arranging the slides - At this stage, you can now divide the slides you will be using for the presentation. Each slide will be used to represent a scene from the script.
  • Filling the slides- This is the part where you fill the slides with a graphical presentation you have envisioned. Don’t forget to synchronize audio files with the visuals you will be presenting. Depending on your style, you can either highlight important words by creating animated texts, drawing fictional characters or making animated objects do certain actions to help viewers easily understand what you are trying to convey.
  • Timing - On completion of the audio and video files, it is now time for them to come together. Getting your video to play at the same time as the audio and having them play at the right time is crucial. This is what separates a great presentation from a flop. For beginners, this task may take some time before you get everything in order. Don’t worry you’ll get there.

Creating an animated product demo may not be as easy as it may seem. But with a lot of practice and dedication, anyone with passion for creating great video content will be producing video presentations like a pro in no time at all.