Benefits of Skiing - More Than Just Fun

Author: Lisa Jeeves

Recent media reports claimed that one of Novak Djokovic’s keys to success on the tennis courts is skiing! The star tennis player is a huge skiing fan, and it turns out that could have helped him to become the number one tennis player in the world.

Djokovic started skiing when he was just two years old, and he has continued to enjoy the sport all his life. In fact, he enjoyed it so much that he had to make a decision on whether to focus on skiing or tennis when he was 10. He uses it as cross training, and it is not too far fetched to think that it has gone a long way to improve his performance on the courts. After all, skiing has a number of excellent benefits - here are some of the most important.

Get Fit & Healthy

There is no doubt that skiing has some excellent health benefits, quite apart from the fun and luxury of booking a holiday in a picturesque catered chalet. Skiing is an excellent activity for keeping fit as it involves a lot of physical work. This helps you to burn off calories even if you do not realise it, because you are having so much fun, making it a more exciting way to stay fit than slogging it out in the gym every day.

Strengthens Knees

When you ski, your knees must hold the whole weight of your body, so if you ski regularly it's an excellent way to strengthen them. It is also a good activity for strengthening the muscles in your legs. Now we can see the possibilities for someone like Djokovic!

Escape from the Everyday

One of the key benefits of booking a stay in a catered chalet and going skiing for a week or two is the sense of freedom you will experience. Skiing is all about escapism, and, as you become more experienced, you will be able to explore new areas and discover beautiful scenery, which can be great for your mental wellbeing.

Have Fun, Make Friends

Skiing is fun, there is no doubt about it. But with a stay in a catered chalet, you will also find that it is a very sociable way to enjoy a holiday. A ski holiday involves more than the physical act of skiing, and you will undoubtedly meet like-minded skiers and make friends, adding another element to the activity.

Book Your Ski Trip and Enjoy the Benefits

These are all benefits that you can enjoy when you book a catered chalet an set off on a ski holiday - whether you are hoping to stay in shape or you simply want to enjoy the thrill of racing down the piste.

Belinda Smythson works for Ski Amis, a specialist ski travel agency and booking service offering bonded holidays staying in a catered or self catered chalet in La Tania and other fantastic destinations. For a luxury or good-value skiing holiday and the best catered chalets call Ski Amis.