Use Executive Office Furniture To Create The Perfect Reception

Author: Court Street
The office reception is essentially the face of the office. Potential clients or investors are first greeted by the office reception. In other words, the reception forms the first impression of a company for a client, visitor or even potential employee, which eventually shapes any subsequent relationship between the two. Hence, the office reception demands a carefully contemplated appearance designed to impress and reflect the company’s core philosophies.

Here are five simple solutions to designing the perfect office reception:

1. Comfortable suite

As a visitor walks inside an office, the first thing he/she is probably expecting is a hearty welcome. Nothing can be more welcoming than a warm and comfortable waiting area at the reception. The furniture used in the reception area needs to be the best office suite furniture that you can find, both in terms of design and comfort.

2. Relevant facilities

As a visitor might need to wait for some time, he/she must be provided with facilities that can ease the waiting process. Apart from important reading material, the reception area should also provide free wi-fi so that the visitor can continue working during the wait. Some experimental reception areas are designed to resemble modern office workstations, which effectively symbolizes a company’s work culture.

3. Greenery and illumination

executive office furniture suites will not be enough if the reception area is chaotic and aesthetically unappealing. The reception area must have a soothing and calm ambience which can easily be achieved by decorating the area with fresh flowers and plants. Soft illumination matching the décor will help creating the perfect ambience.

4. Digital information

A strategic way to draw the attention of the visitor and educate him/her about the company is through the digital broadcasting of relevant information in an interesting way. A screen with well-edited audio and visuals is a wonderful way to personalize the reception area.

5. Strong visual impact

A reception area is effective when it has a strong visual impact on the visitor. A magnificent piece art, an antique piece or even a terrarium can create visual impact in an otherwise professional space.

In the end, the office reception must represent the philosophy of the company. A warm greeting by the receptionist, the perfect ambience, stylish and comfortable furniture, along with the right aesthetic must come together to represent the values of the company and make a visitor feel welcome.