Search Engine Optimisation Advice and Useful Free SEO Tools Available Online

Author: Iexperts Forum

Search engine optimization is very similar to building a house. It requires time and patience. Shortcuts may give a beautiful appearance to your house, but if the foundation is not very strong then the structure won’t last for long. The basic concept of any top SEO tools is to get your web site more and more traffic. In order to that it is important that the content of your website should be relevant, authentic, easy to understand and well written. Simply wasting a ton of money on expensive website designs and photographs won’t help much unless you have relevant content.

The next good thing to do in order to increase the number of hits in the website is to go for blog commenting. When you start commenting on other people’s blog, and ask them to return the favour, people tend to notice your presence in the relevant website and become interested about your product.

Key word optimisation plays a vital role in determining, how a particular page features in Google’s search result. Stuffing your article with keywords, will tend to make it look clumsy and reduces the ranking terribly. Knowing the right keyword and knowing the perfect density of distribution is important for search engine optimization.

There are many tools that are available online, which can be used to optimise search engine results. Most of them are available free of cost, while some of them comes at a premium price.

Google analytics- Google analytics is free SEO software provided by Google. This software helps a person to understand the basic dynamics of the people visiting the web site, like where do they work, what is there background, their geographical location, age group, choice, preference and much other similar stuff. With the help of Google analytics, you can also analysis the performance of your webpage. This tool will help you to get a good idea about your page’s performance, besides giving you a peek into psychology of your customers.

Google Ad Words- Google Ad word is basically free SEO software from Google that helps a person to analyse the correct keywords and the required amount of density, for search engine optimization. Since most of the searches in search engine optimization is keyword based, it is important to know, the right keywords to direct the flow of traffic in your website.

Google Webmaster Tools- Google Webmaster tool works wonderfully well in combination with Google analytics and Google Ad Words and helps a person to understand how his page is being ranked by Google. This SEO tool is extremely helpful in giving you valuable inputs, when it works in combination with the other two tools.

Irrespective of whatever SEO tools you use to maximise the amount of user visit and clicks, the traffic to your website will depend upon the creativity of your content and its relevance as per the search term given by the end user.