Getting rid of tiny vampires called Bedbugs

Author: Euco Clean

'Cimex lectularius' or bedbugs are a small insect that can be found anywhere. Bedbugs suck human blood, especially at night and that is why they are often called as tiny vampires. They live on human blood and are most active during the night when we are sleeping. They are petite but can be dangerous for humans as well. Below is the detailed information about bedbugs that might help in understanding more about these little vampires.

How do identify bedbugs from its appearance?

Bedbugs are usually non-flying insect, oval in shape that lives on human blood. There are adult and nymphs varying in sizes and shape. Adult bedbug is about 5mm-7mm in length, whereas nymphs are just as little as 1.5mm. They are reddish brown in color and they appear more reddish after sucking blood. These insects are small and they cannot fly because they are vestigial, so they crawl. People might sometimes be mistaken thinking adult bedbugs as cockroaches and ticks. They can easily be differentiated from cockroaches, as cockroaches can fly but bedbugs cannot. Moreover, bedbugs appear more reddish because of the blood they suck.

What are the symptoms of bedbug bites?

The most common targets of bedbugs are our hands, back, legs, hands, face, and neck. Usually, the bedbug bites are unnoticeable until an individual see those red bumpy marks on the skin. Apart from red rashes, swelling and itching also occurs, which if scratched may lead to infections. A particular way to know that a person is bitten by a bedbug is the tendency to discover the bites lined up in a row. Other insects do not generally bite in a row. So, whenever it is lined up, it is bitten by bedbugs. The bites have different effects on every person. Some may see the red marks on the very next day after the bite and on some others it may even appear after two weeks. These are the common symptoms that appear after a person is bitten by a bedbug.

How to deal with Bed bug removal?

Bed bud removal is not an easy process as it seems. In most of the cases you will need to call a bedbug exterminator who will properly examine the house first. Examining the place is important including unused rooms because bedbugs can survive at least for a year. So, there are chances that they might be hiding in those unoccupied rooms. Exterminator usually will use the insecticides to eliminate these tiny monsters. Numerous other sprays are also available these days, which are less harmful than insecticides. Deep cleaning, scrubbing, filling cracks ensures that these insects do not attack house again.

So, it can be said that these little vampires might be present anywhere. It is thus important to check for them as many times as you can to stay away from those red bumpy marks which may also lead to infections.