Highly Managed DNS Servers

Author: Kan Miller

There are many Domain Name Servers (DNS) servers in the world of internet today. Similarly, you can apply your most preferred system of managing domains. A free Internet Service Provider (ISP) DNS managed by a specific company is the best compared to the local ones. This was a conclusion made following the many testimonies of long distance computer user travelers who confessed that they found it much easier to employ the former in searching website names and locations. Most of them said that they encountered several webpage loading errors each time they tried to deploy their local servers while in different places. This therefore calls for the need of knowledge about the best DNS servers. The following information will be very vital to you.

Google Public DNS is one of the best DNS servers today that can alternatively be used rather than your local ISP DNS servers. They hold a large scale of operation and your search will not encounter any limitations. They are well known for their massive latest technological skills and modified ways of dealing with hackers and cache envenoming threats. Furthermore, it is worth noting that this server rarely blocks DNS quests unless it is in a very crucial situation. This server does not limit its operation in only a single part of the world. It has a global data centers and have established a number of DNS servers in different regions of the world to ensure global distribution.

Open DNS This is among the initial DNS companies that established long time ago. Therefore the direct implication of this is that they possess a wide range of experience in DNS. This is also a free DNS server. However, it varies with Google Public DNS in that it allows blocking of harmful threats and filter DNS requests. This feature is of great importance especially if you have elderly people in your household and kids when you want to prevent them from accessing data that might pose malware threats to your computers. It is cheap as it does not charge the user and therefore everyone can afford to employ it.

Norton Connect Safe DNS is another selection that I can encourage you to go for. Just like the two servers mentioned above, it provides free services to users and therefore less expensive. It also filters malicious data that might bring harm to your computer system. I would therefore personally encourage you to go for the above mentioned servers as they provide the best services at no costs.

The above mentioned companies will manage your DNS settings accordingly and you will be felicitous to work with them. In case of any difficulties that may arise, they have various ways through which you can contact their customer care and call for instant support. Alternatively, you can use a Zone File editor to modify your zone file records for your domain names.