Know the Tricks from Blonde Hair Specialist to Stop the Problem of Blonde Hair Turns Green

Author: Sarah Armstrong

Many people starts to fret when blonde hair starts turning a lighter shade of green. People's initial thoughts are that maybe their hair dresser has placed in the wrong chemical in their blonde highlights. They surprise if perhaps the hair dresser left the bleach for too long? Or it might be caused due to the use of strong bleach by the hair dresser. Or they could even surprise if the green hair is an internal problem, maybe a problem with not obtaining enough vitamins or minerals in their diet.

Luckily, this concern needn't go too far. Once blonde hair starts turning green, it's a sign of environmental effects on the person's hair and has nothing to try with whether or not their hair dresser has ended with a right mistake of their hair or any warning of their internal health. With just a couple of tips and tricks, one can make sure that blonde hair will never turn that green colour ever once more.

According to the blonde hair specialist, a common divisor of this condition is always water. Whenever this happens it always surfaces after someone has had a shower or after someone has had an extended swim session at a pool. This means that there should be something in water that truly makes blonde hair turn green. Actually, this is known as copper.

When oxidized copper is exposed to the protein in the hair shaft it deposits its colour. This is happening to people of all coloured hair, it's that in blonde hair it's most evident.

In a pool, several chemicals are added to make sure that the pool is free from bacteria and is safe for swimming. Once a bleach like Chlorine is then added to the pool water, this oxidizes the copper that's found in the ALGAECIDE. Try to add one blonde unconscious swimmer and you get a head, choked with green tinted hair.

This is not only restricted to chlorinated pools. It is also reported that it’s happening in their homes too. And the reason behind it, is the same as mentioned above. Water providers found only normal levels of copper in the water after laborious testing. After some more analysis, the explanation for the matter was found. Hot water left night long had lifted copper from the pipes in homes and water heaters, then had deposited it into the house water provides. And when they showered in this copper imparted water, it initiated for their hair to show green.

In homes, the best way to deal with the problem is to eliminate copper from the source of our shower all at once. A simple and extremely effective way of doing this is to put in a shower filter that has KDF in it. KDF may be a filter medium that is found in quality shower filters. When water that has copper passes through a shower filter with KDF, the metal fixes to the KDF and removes the possibility that it will tint hair. Shower filters also take away Chlorine from water that stops any chemical reaction of copper which can be found naturally in water.

Sarah Armstrong, the owner of