Facts that tell you not to hung up telemarketing calls immediately

Author: Jeo Nash

Have you watched the Will Smith starred movie ‘Seven Pounds’? If not, I insist you must watch it for numerous reasons. Personally speaking, one of the reasons that it still counts as one of the best movies I have ever watched is the script and off course, the stupendous acting of all the actors.

Basically, the movie is about a person who crashes his car due to his own fault and the accident takes a toll of seven people, including his fiancé. Agony and guilt compels him to find out seven people, whom he helps secretly by donating his body parts one by one before he dies, provided they are good by nature and deserves the help.

The sixth such candidate is a blind telemarketer for a company that sells meat. Interestingly, this blind telemarketing professional also plays piano. In spite of getting harassed repeatedly and routinely at his workplace and also at a restaurant by the character of Will Smith in that movie, he remains unfazed, composed and compassionate. The most touching scene is that he gets abused by a person he calls as part of his job and still, he thanks him with tears in his eyes.

This blind telemarketer’s role was a real eye-opener for me. I hope it will bear a similar impression on your mind, if you have a warm heart. The movie made me realized how wrong I was regarding my conception of telemarketers and I sincerely hope that you will change your perception too. But as with some of us, we need clear reasons for changing anything, be it changing our mindset towards a fellow human being. If you are one of the more rationalistic ones, I have tried my best in the following paragraphs to bring home the point that I am trying to put across.

First of all, be very clear about the fact that telemarketing professionals try to do their job with the best of their abilities. They are fully aware of how annoying the calls can be while you are at work, because they live in the same world as you do and receive their fair share of telemarketing calls. But they have no way out but to call you, because they are being paid to do so. Remember that their job pays their rents and feeds their families. So, have some respect about the honest effort they are putting into their jobs. If you are too much focused on your job and the nagging telemarketers are interrupting your concentration, you can put your phone number on their ‘do not call’ list. But cursing them and slamming down the receiver, irrespective of how annoying or irritating they are, is not a decent thing to do.

At least, they are better than thousands of criminals who take unethical and dishonest means out of their greed. They try to talk to you in a sweet voice and thank you at the end of the call if you give them a chance to do so. This is infinitely better than you getting robbed at a gunpoint in a dark lane while you are returning from your work. Please respect that.

When you watch an advertisement in television or while you are surfing the internet, do you curse them too? Even if you curse those advertisements, it is of no real use! I am sure your company also tries to market its product or services through some means or the other. If you love your own company’s marketing campaigns because it is the marketing team that opens up doors for revenue and is primarily responsible for your salary, bear in your mind the fact that telemarketing professionals are doing the same thing for their respective organizations. If you curse the external telemarketers and misbehave with them, please make sure that you do the same thing with your company’s marketing professionals. By doing that, you will at least not become a hypocrite and it might save you from the sin of being indecent and unprofessional with a fellow human being who is trying to earn his bread.