Tips for Overcoming Fear of being Bold

Author: Julia Lowery

Most of us, at one point of time in our lives, need to show exemplary courage and raw guts to save ourselves, or our loved ones from risky eventualities.. Indeed humans are largely shaped and contoured by circumstances and what each of us are today, could largely be attributable to the level of success we have gained over mastering and taming situations, adverse and agonizing, at that. Life’s lessons are only gained and controlled after we strain every sinew, stretch every nerve and bleed ourselves dry to overcome and gain victory over adversity. When they say that discretion is the better part of valor, perhaps they did not realize that even valor needs to be discreet in some situations and forceful in others.

Most people take pride in being bold and reckless, for even the wrong reasons. It is indeed necessary and important for humans to be bold when the situation so demands, surely we cannot sit playing fiddle when our house is on fire, or our best friend has been run over by a street car, most of his bones all mashed up and drenched in his own blood, and needs to be rushed to hospital for emergency surgery. When the situation demands bold initiative and action, playing to the gallery, is hardly recommended since it hardly offers solace, or succor.

  1. Never-say-die-attitude" is the living moral of most successful people on earth and raw courage provides just the right antidote for fear. Victory lies ahead of fright, just as doom lies squarely in front of inaction and ineptitude.
  2. Give fear a run for its money. Overcoming fear of being bold can only be fully possible as and when fear gives rise to courage and audacity, problems are turned into opportunities and life is viewed with positive optimism.
  3. Problems are opportunities, incognito. By banishing fear from our minds and psyches, it is possible to gain mastery and control over them and look into the future with confidence and aplomb, accepting whatever is in store for us with equanimity and poise.
  4. We need to accept both our defeats and victories with due grace, humility and servility. The tip is that we need to be modest about our defeats but we need to be more modest in our victories, after all, defeats lift up victories. Our courage inspires us to do what we humanly can and leave the rest to higher powers.
  5. Fear is the key that opens the doors of courage. There can be no courage without fear just as there cannot be day after night, and night after day. While both fear and courage are only emotions, we need one to sustain the other.
  6. Being bold without fear also means acting according to situation and not according to one’s emotional build. It is rather difficult to please everybody and so people should try to please those who matter.
  7. We need to combine tact with candor, and discretion with courage in order to gain the best in life – both for ourselves and others. At the same time we need to desist from using courage in unwanted situations or which can be handled with minimum tact and maximum diplomacy.
  8. Weigh the consequences of actions before we act; This is important since all actions – show of fearlessness, or otherwise have resultant consequences. We need to carefully and circumspectly weigh potential consequences of bold actions before imposing, or executing them.

Actions do speak louder than words, but it is also important that our bold actions do not work against us or become counter productive. In areas where courage does not work, it is necessary and important to be tactful and diplomatic, in order to gain better of situations and control them effectively and efficiently.