Get Certified with the HP0-Y49, Applying HO FlexNetwork Fundamentals Exam PDF

Author: Hanan Haifa

The HP0-Y49 Examination is one of the most compatible qualifications, which are being offered by HP and it is known as the Applying HO FlexNetwork Fundamentals. The testing procedure is greatly refined and it has been designed by the organization keeping in focus the requirements and challenges, which are faced by the modern IT workers. This is one of the testing procedures, which have been designed for examining the skills as well as knowledge upon the fundamentals of switching, and routing also wireless technologies, which also has the inclusion of following

  • VLAN
  • Spanning tree protocol
  • Link aggregation technologies
  • Basic static as well as dynamic routing
  • 802.11 standards

Not only this, the HP0-Y49 Test Questions is also designed for testing your abilities related with the implementation of these kinds of technologies upon products of HP networking. From this information it is very much apparent that all relevant areas of HP0-Y49 Study Kits will be covered so you need to stay focused and alert for this. Theoretical knowledge with proper support of practical skills is the key to success here.

Who is Eligible of Sitting in this HP0-Y49 Exam?

To be honest this HP0-Y49 Exam PDF is for professionals who have on the job experience and there are defined related courses for training, which have the inclusion of labs and provide a solid base, but it is very much important there should be experience present behind you that can allow you to face the challenges in field with great confidence.

Contents of the HP0-Y49 Exam

Total 58 questions will be mentioned in the HP0-Y49 Actual Examination and they will be of the following types

  • Matching
  • Multiple choices with single response
  • Multiple choices with multiple responses

Details Related with the HP0-Y49 Exam

  • The type of exam will be protected that will be taken at defined testing centers
  • The length of exam will be 1 hour and 55 minutes
  • There will 58 questions
  • Passing score has been set to 65%
  • The languages in which the exam will be conducted are Japanese and English

Some Tips

  • HP doesn’t focus only upon memorization in fact it is more related with assessing the knowledge and skills, which you have in the form of IT professional. Therefore you should prepare for the scenario based questions as well.
  • It is important to stay in touch with only relevant sources of information, which have been defined by HP.

ExamCertify helping material is prepared by the well-known industry experts with full of passing confidence.

ExamCertify is well known Preparation Material Provider for popular IT vendors regarding HP-Atp Training and Hp0-D15 Study Kits.