The science of dozer rakes – Why you need to be fussy about your choice of rake

Author: Universal Positions

Dozer rakes are subjected to a very wide range of stresses and strains on the job. What most people don’t know is that they’re often subjected to these different forces simultaneously.

For example:

  • One part of the rake will be in contact with a tree root, and other parts aren’t. A really big tree root can twist a rake as it navigates the pressure areas.
  • Some soils include a whole obstacle course of different stresses for rakes. These obstacles subject the rake to both the forces of resistance and the power of the dozer movement.
  • Impacted soils can be like rock, and breaking them up adds another dimension to rake performance issues. These very uncooperative soils break up reluctantly and in pieces, doing no favors to rakes in the process.
  • Clay, particularly when combined with tree roots, is very tough stuff. Dried clay basically is rock. Rakes can bounce off it, get stuck in it, or encounter multiple pressures as they move and again, there are multiple areas of stress applied to the rake.
  • In all cases, the rake is really only as strong as its mounts. The degree of difficulty of the job relates directly to the need for reliable mounts which can take multiple stresses.

Not all jobs require heavy duty rakes, however. Some need a lighter touch, like a bulldozer brush rake, and some may need a smaller or larger bulldozer rake. Some jobs may require custom rakes. The common factor is rake quality. The best rakes are purpose-built and designed to take the loads and stresses of the different types of jobs.

When you’re looking for rakes, it’s a good idea to be very fussy and check out a dozer rake specialist supplier. There’s a company called Dozer Rakes in Texas, for example, a specialist supplier with a full range of rakes of all kinds, including custom. They also supply good, strong, heavy duty mounts.

If you’re looking for answers to your dozer rake needs, check out their website here at These are real "dozer people". Talk to their experts and you’ll find exactly what you want, your perfect rake, built to take whatever stresses the job entails.