Office Supplies Management – Should You Lease Out A Copy Machine

Author: Smart Copierlease

Offices, whether big or small, require all kinds of machines and tools to get through their daily operations. Duplicating documents, copying brochures, flyers and test papers are necessary in some offices such as government offices, schools and in some businesses. You would think that depending on an outside printing and copying agency will be a good enough solution to these needs but trust me, this option will prove to be much more expensive in the long run than buying a machine of your own. It will always be better to have your own office copier at your disposal to manage your document printing needs. But the acquisition of this asset doesn’t necessarily have to drill a hole in your pocket.

There is always the option of office copier lease that can allow you to get full use of the machine without having the bear the entire brunt of its cost. Office copiers are very expensive and can cost from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars depending on their features and functions. This article will help you understand the true advantages you can gain from this method of office asset acquisition and help you make the choice between purchase and leasing.


You can switch to a newer model anytime you want high-tech office facilities like copiers are very expensive and they are constantly improving. If you want up-to-date copiers, you need to sell your copier before you can purchase a new one. Unlike if you are leasing an office copier, you may switch to a newer model at the end of your lease period.

Payment management

Buying an office copier will put an undue strain on your cash flows whereas leasing it will distribute the overall cost over months. Then there is the fact that you do not need to pay for the copier’s total cost. Just make sure you agree to a reasonable rent amount and have the installation and maintenance responsibilities passed onto the rental company.

Taxation advantages

Our current taxation system allows you to claim lease payments as operational expenses which you can spread out over the course of the year and benefit in your overall tax liabilities. Although leasing a copier seems more expensive but in the long run, deducted lease payments make it more advantageous over buying a new office copier.


If you go for buying the office copier outright, its maintenance and repairs will be your responsibility but with a leasing contract, you can let go of all these worries. The office supply leasing company will take the charge of managing everything relating to the machine including its installation, repair and upkeep. You will not have to deal with any of these hassles.

There are many businesses out there that offer office copier leasing services. You can easily get to know all about them through the internet. Or you can choose to visit to get in touch with the very best name in the business.

About The Author

Dane Nickles is a representative of groups of printing industries and have taken copier machine on lease for the commercial use from He is quite impressed with their services and marked them as the best copier leasing company and recommends everyone to avail their services.