Intensify your business productivity at heights with Yii framework

Author: Celin Smith

One of the most fascinating scripting languages which are preferred by the intact community of web developers is PHP. There are some keen reasons that formulate this scripting language so easy and versatile is its varied features. It is noteworthy that using the PHP platform efficiently would have not been doable without the tools that have been introduced by PHP.

An array of frameworks that has strained the developers to use the PHP platform is chiefly divided into assorted categories. These frameworks can be used for image and graph manipulation, version control systems, testing and optimization, in-browser control, firefox addons, security tools, IDEs and editors that there are a few more. Yii Framework Development is one of the swiftly growing frameworks which are known for its high recital among all the web developers.

Yii features gratifying business requirements:

  • Style pattern of Model Perspective Operator (MVC):

Yii is utterly dependent on the MVC structure that drafts the web growth in an ordered action by enabling unsullied separating of issues (SoC).

  • Extensions:

Yii Developers usually extends Yii while developing because if you write a contemporary controller, you can elongate Yii by inheriting its Controller class. If this extended code is reused by any other third party developers, then they name it as extension.

  • Form validation and feedback:

It embroils the procedure of developing the types which can accept feedback and makes sure that the created information is too easy in Yii. This already has various validations and icons which aids in gathering the feedback and verifies it also.

  • Database Accessibility (DOA):

A web organization can easily restrain the complicated and long procedure so as to compose recurring SQL issues with the use of Yii. The basic reason of using Yii is that it allows the designers to style the resource information by keeping regard to objects. Query builder of Yii provides an object-oriented method for developing SQL queries which assist in reducing the risk of SQL injection attacks.

  • AJAX Compatibility with widgets:

Yii comes with an enriched blend if AJAX icons which allows the designers to craft extremely effective connections with the customers.

  • Authorization and authentication:

Authentication and authorization functionality has come as in-built trait which can be easily modified and used. The Yii authorization framework has a central piece is a pre-defined user application which is used to implement the object – [IWebUser] interface.

The user has a component that contrives storage for the current user and this can be accessed at any instance by using Yii ::app( )->user.

Following functionalities can be performed with the use of this component:

  • User logging details can be checked

  • User can be logged in and logged out

  • User accessibility status can be checked

  • Unique identification and other related information can be identified

  • Customizing themes and skins:

Yii contains every theme depiction in the form of layout files, view files, images, JavaScript files, CSS files and there are many more. The directory name is just a theme name. Moreover, all the themes resides under one directory, that is, directory/webroot/themes.

Thus, all these features have pushed the PHP developers to use the Yii framework. Moreover, all the market competitors prefer using Yii platform for attaining a sky-scraping productivity.