Food addiction - the negative side of eating

Author: Paul Malot

Overeating - it is one of the root causes for weight gain. But why do we overeat? Is it because of food addiction? Well, in a way yes it is often because of that we cross the mark of consuming food to satiate normal appetite and get into compulsive eating. And when a person faces the pangs of such compulsive eating, there can be many underlying reasons to it. Such emotional eating can be the result of deep-rooted stress, inferiority complex or certain psychological disorder. The more you brood within yourself more comes the natural craving to eat more.

We necessarily do not always eat to satisfy hunger pangs. Often we eat to divert our mind from the stress of some emotional problems in life. Nevertheless, there has to be a line that must be followed so that eating does not become food addiction. Such pangs of emotional eating not only disturb the normal appetite but they affect your digestive system too. The end result is you gain weight which in turn affects you psychologically, because you get a guilt feeling every time you eat more than what you should.

Now, who is an emotional eater? A person who eats when not hungry or eats even after having a full meal or a person who binges whenever under stress is an emotional eater. Food addiction for such people is a place of temporary refuge, a place where one feels better and sheltered. It is a behavioral one that happens because of compulsive over-consumption of food. One common aspect of this addiction is known as ‘binge disorder.’ Pangs of emotional eating usually come all of a sudden and one seeks for the comfort foods. Such cravings are not in any orderly manner and in fact can be erratic.

The pangs are not a result of a growl in the stomach to tell you that you are hungry. They are all in the mind and you are in search of not just the food but also its sight, texture and aroma. The worse result of emotional eating is obesity which brings with it other serious ailments. Thus, a person who is suffering from this specific problem must opt for a plan to get rid of such compulsive eating behavior. There are plenty of portals managed by professionals who motivate victims of food addiction to come out of the compulsive eating disorder.

The line of help is based on the perfect blend between physiology and psychology so that you can get rid of the ill effects of emotional eating completely. Moreover, these online guides also show you ways to lose weight that you have gathered during your food addiction days. You can also find yourself a coach or mentor by browsing through a list of experts available on the website and contact them before your program starts. Creating a bond based on mutual trust and comfort helps in complying with or accepting the various advices the coach will share with you. You can also read the success stories of people who had benefitted from the program for some cheering up. So, to draw the line between love for food and overeating, enroll today.

Resource Box: It is important to understand the love for food should not lead to ( ) food addiction disorder. One must be aware of all the problems associated with ( ) emotional eating.