Best & Affordable Body Contouring Treatments Offered in Korea by The Line

Author: Adrina Sen

According to a report from The Economist Online, a 2009 Trend Monitor survey found, one in every five Korean women having had a plastic surgery. South Korea has many hospitals or clinics where safe and accurate plastic surgeries are performed by experienced surgeons.

Body contouring treatments are done in Korea to remove excess skin and fat from the human body. Many people who are unhappy with the size and shape of their body come to a Korean plastic surgery clinic to undergo a complete makeover. Traditionally, the approach to body contouring has largely involved invasive procedures such as liposuction. Liposuction is among the top 5 cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the United States. However, the conventional method of liposuction involved too much of bleeding and swelling with revealing scars and lengthy time to recover post-surgery.

Recently, at The Line plastic surgical clinic, the surgeons perform 360° Rotating Liposuction, a more modern form of liposuction for body shaping. This modern method of liposuction body contouring gives you an excellent slim effect, minimizes the sunken skin and imbalance, and gives an attractive body. It is a safe procedure and leads to quick recovery. 3D analysis of fat layer is done by the surgeon and then only 360° Rotating Liposuction is performed.

The process minimizes pain and bleeding by multi-surgery: Watershape + Multi-laser + Accusculpt, minimizes swelling and bruising and leads to quick skin tightening through both accusculpt and liposuction. Post-operative treatment program uses special equipment such as endermologie, radio-frequency, ultrasound, etc. This body contouring treatment allows the patient to resume normal activities soon after the surgery.

This new advanced liposuction gives you no exposed scars even though you wear a revealing bikini and underwear. The best advantage of The Line’s liposuction is that you can wear a bikini and underwear with more confidence through The Line’s minimum scar and unexposed scar system!

For best liposuction body contouring, many patients prefer The Line Revision Liposuction. The Line Body Contouring Center has a special secondary liposuction section to perform a personalized surgery to people having a drooping skin and excessive fat.

Features of The Line Revision Liposuction include:

  • Presence of professional medical staff for secondary liposuction who takes utmost care for safe liposuction. The Line’s secondary liposuction center has more than 8,000 times experience in liposuction and reoperation specialist to fix the complex problems caused by liposuction.
  • 4-step 3D Diagnostic System for checking the soft tissue structures of skin layer, subcutaneous fat layer, blood vessels, nerve tissue for one-to-one personalized surgical method.
  • Special Postoperative Care Center to for effective treatment of the patient.

Revision liposuction cases

The most important thing about liposuction is that how much fat should be left rather than how much fat could be suctioned. In case of too much liposuction, there is the chance for adhesion to happen. Adhesion leads to skin sticking together caused by inflammation of skin or panniculus. It would be hard to undo the adhesion once it occurs. In this case, fat grafting is done to the adhesion formation sites several times to improve the condition.

Author Bio :

The writer is an expert in the field of surgical industry with focus on Liposuction Body Contouring & Body Contouring Treatments