What You Need to Know About Being An Egg Donor

Author: Amitava Sarkar

Millions of couples across the country deal with fertility problems each year. For a lucky few, the cause is identified and easy treated, but for many more the road to parenthood is long and painful. Adoption is a popular option but many couples want to experience pregnancy first hand. When traditional IVF can’t be done with the mother’s own eggs, couples can turn to an egg donor. Egg donating is a safe and anonymous process that helps thousands of couples achieve their dream of parenthood, and donors are always in demand. Each potential donor is carefully screened and examined before being accepted. This includes genetic, psychological and medical exams to insure the donor eggs are healthy. Couples can chose a donor by going through the profiles each fills out. It includes such info as hair and eye color, educational background, ethnic background and other important information. This lets them chose a donor that is perfect for them. If you are interested in learning how to donate eggs Florida, read on. You’ll learn what’s expected of you, the medical process involved and the compensation you can expect.

Screening Process

Most clinics will only accept donors between the ages of 20-32. Once a woman reaches her mid-30s the quality of her eggs starts to decrease. All donors are given a through physical exam, then must submit to psychological and genetic screening. It’s a good idea to know as much of your family medical history as possible when you apply. You’ll also be drug tested and checked for STDs.

Medical Process

If you qualify, you will be put on birth control pills to sync your cycle with the patient you will be donating to, and then be required to take medication to stimulate your ovaries. When the time is right, you’ll undergo egg retrieval via an outpatient procedure done under anesthesia. It takes about 20 minutes and you’ll be able to resume your normal activities in a few days. The risks are low and generally not serious.


All donors are compensated financially, plus all of their medical exams and treatment are done free of charge. In addition, the patient you’ll be donating to is required to cover any medical expenses you may incur in the rare instance that complications arise.

Should you want to donate again, you are usually welcome to, up to 6 times total during the time you are of qualifying age. Since the average compensation is $3,000-$5,000 depending on the clinic, egg donation is attractive to college students to help pay tuition and others in need of financial help.

Before you apply you should research the process thoroughly and the clinic you are interested in as well. Make sure you are completely comfortable with the idea of having a child out there biologically linked to you. Since the process is completely anonymous the chances of you being able to learn anything about or see the child you helped create are slim. There’s no need to worry about legal obligations, but be sure that you are emotionally ready.

Should you not qualify, don’t take it personally. You may be able to reapply at a later date if the issue that caused your rejection can be resolved. Be prepared to be honest during the psychological screening and to provide as much of your ethnic, family and medical background as you can. The more info the better. A photo will be taken of you but it will not be shared with anyone. The clinic staff use it to help them make a good match between you and a couple looking for a donor.

Egg donation helps make dreams come true. Look into it today!

About the Author: Beth A. Stevens is a contributing author, nurse practitioner and instructor with a specialty in OB/GYN. She often recommends Florida Fertility to her patients who are looking for the best in vitro fertilization information. She’s come to rely on their tradition of outstanding service, quality and customer care.