MRCW - Menopause information and Resources for Women
Despite the fact that we no longer live in medieval times, there is unfortunately; a lot of ignorance in our modern society about Menopause, what it is, what it means and what can be done to alleviate some of its more debilitating symptoms.
A contributing factor is the fact that menopause is not a topic that is covered in schools and lack of adequate parenting completes the ignorance. The result is that many women are totally unprepared for it when it happens. In fact, women experiencing menopause and not knowing how to deal with it, find themselves confused by what they are going through and in most societies, it is not a topic that they open discuss.
Fortunately, the presence of internet and the God like presence of the search engines means women of today actually have information on their finger tips. The women of today need no longer guess what is happening to her. She can pose questions in total privacy to any of the famous search engines and be presented with a multitude of links leading to answers or she can directly visit - the one site that presents her with authoritative answers on over 200 subjects.
Yes, some women find Menopause Symptoms related answers through their friends and social circles. But the fact is, there is no "One Size Fits All" approach to Menopause. What may hold true for one woman might hold true for the next. So how does the Menopause Resource Centre for Women ( deal with differences amongst individual women?
After a simple and free online registration process, every member gets to chat with experts and can even join support groups. At Menopause information & Resource Resource Centre for Women, we’ll do our best to give you the specific information you need so you can make the most informed choice.
The Menopause Resource Centre offers access and referrals to experienced health professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds employing time-tested approaches. With your unique circumstances in mind, MRCW can help you find the right people.
Feel free to explore this Menopause information & Resource Centre Website at your leisure. Menopause is a big, complex subject with many dimensions. We suggest that you start by visiting our "What Is Menopause?" page in the Symptoms Menu above for a broad overview first. We also invite you to become a Member in order to have full access to all our services, including our support groups. Membership is FREE join today!