Managing Risks through Chemical Inputs for a Better Looking Turf

Author: Sathish Kumar

As they say, with the increased potential comes handy the risks factor. Pesticide, fertilizer and other chemical applications may be very popular in the agricultural field, but the need of these applications in our lawns and landscapes is a very recent momentum. With the gaining popularity of turf and ornamental plants, there has been growth in the agrochemicals and synthetic inputs application.

The beautiful plants which make our urban settings involving parks, roadsides, house lawns, playgrounds and stadiums, also need to be safeguarded from various pest and disease infestations time to time. They are prone to infestation by parasites such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, phytoplasmas and nematodes. Some of the major infestations happening here are leaf spotting, chlorosis, cancers, galls, wilting and root decaying etc. Application of quality pesticides products have become a necessary that varies from lawns to golf course and ornamental plants. Weed infestation is a very common problem that is tackled by herbicides. Controlling soil organisms and microbial organisms are the major challenges here.

Another consumption point that generates revenue and possesses high growth is the application of fertilizers in the land. Fertilizers are basically meant for improving soil nutrient availability for the plants grown and balancing the deficiency of plant mass. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potash based fertilizers fulfill the need for macronutrients; magnesium, zinc, boron, copper, iron are major micronutrients consumed. Leaf reddening, thinning and stunted growth of turf occurs due to deficiency of one of those nutrients.

Plant growth regulators are very much popular in golf course and landscape maintenance due to their growth controlling ability. The growth phase of a grass is simply inhibited prohibiting it from flowering or any other stage that is nonessential. By this way, PGRs help maintaining field and labour. While the labour and time is taken care of, the management cost gets reduced. As per the method of application, these agrochemicals are further explained.

North America and European region consume most of agrochemicals being largest turf and ornamental markets globally. Fertilizer consumption is currently high in countries like US and Canada while Europe possesses major share in pesticide application segment. As the turf and ornamental market is established in those parts of the world, the inputs demand keeps coming in. While the management of landscapes provides basis for synthetic inputs market growth in the developed countries, developing countries like China, Brazil and India are comparatively new to the segment. With the increasing and productive economies, the urban populations in developing world keeps thriving that provides scope of growth for turfs. Fertilizer and pesticide consumption would be more in Asia Pacific region in next five years time. The high demand and growth in Asia would be due to liberal regulatory environment coupled with awareness among consumers and landscape mangers.

Usages of premium quality products, product innovation and development, customization as per the geography and extensive research and development initiatives show the recent trend and importance of the industry in today’s life style. Authorities of any urban setting are becoming more focused and concerned about improving their city’s landscape. Turf managers of a sports complex are becoming more efficient and competitive through the right management of the turfs. After all, the purpose for establishing a turf or planting ornamentals varies and with that, varies the application of synthetic chemicals.