Better Drawings For Better Patents
Describing what you have invented may not work as well as patent drawings because pictures work better than 1000 words of description. Clear and accurate drawings will help you to strengthen your case and make application processing faster. Overloaded examiners will breathe a sigh of relief upon seeing your drawings as it helps them to understand your inventions quicker and better than pages and pages of words. Precise, clear, and simple images also aid in instructing judges when patents infringement cases reach the court of law. This will help to clarify your claim as the owner even clinching decisions in your favor.
Presence of such high quality drawings will also help you to make your case stronger when negotiating settlement or damages. Such meticulous preparations make patents unambiguous and understandable. As a result, it would ward off potential infringements as people will think twice before attempting to copy your invention. The earlier you are able to deter such endeavors the better it is for your peace of mind. When applying for patents you should understand the benefits of these drawings. You should never underestimate its importance.
Patents offices have specific criteria for technical details associated with the drawings they will deem to accept. Besides ensuring that you meet those requirements, you should go one-step beyond to ensure success. Professional draftsmen have the knowledge and the experience to help you in this regard, as they know what patent office requires. Their specialization in the technical aspects of patent drawing goes in your favor. Meeting the technical specifications is a big part of successful drawing.
You can submit them on digital media or paper; it does not matter even if the form, size, and shape specifications vary. Sometimes the offices require you to use rigid cardboards or flexible sheets and you have to comply with such specifications. Besides the media, differences can also relate to line thickness, surface shading, or broken lines. It is important to have clear drawings in B/W with black solid lines. When it comes to utility patents, strict requirements related to drawings exist.
You should prepare them using correct scales where letters, numbers, and lines are sufficiently dark and dense, uniformly well defined and thick. The aim is to have effective reproduction of characteristics and depending upon mathematical formula, invention, table, or chemicals, you can use waveforms of symbols and electrical signals. Creation of diagrams or drawings usually corresponds to individual patent claims. You can use specific views to illustrate problems that your invention solves, its particular advantages, and fulfilled needs.
This way you can describe any newly developed function or implementation of the function by the invention. Show contrast with prior art, differentiate the latest inventions from old or show improvements from an earlier version. It is possible to show with effective drawings the improved portions having enough of the earlier invention in order to describe the connection between the two. You can arrange your drawings in such a way that promotes understanding of your invention.
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About The Author
Tom Jones is an expert in patent drafting and drawing functions who also likes to help people in getting these jobs done well through the many tips and ideas he offers. He loves to write informative articles and blogs for the benefit of novice inventors. He recommends as the name you should trust for high quality patent drafting services.