6 Excellent Reasons Magento Enterprise Should be Your E-Commerce Platform

Author: Deepa Ranganathan

When you ask an enterprise or a business venture how enterprise platform helped them, they would mention increased number of visitors, increased acquisition and conversions as well as a huge surge in mobile traffic as some of the points. Enterprise edition, as your e-commerce platform, will help acquire new customers while retaining the old ones. This is definitely a worthy choice when it comes to your e-commerce, and here are 6 reasons that prove this point well.

Solr Search by Default

With this customizable search engine added to your store, your users can easily search for products based on functionality and relevance. While this had to be added in the earlier versions, the Solr search is available by default in the Enterprise version. This will help conduct a search with ease, and allow users to discover products easily.

Full Page Caching

This feature is exclusively available with enterprise edition. With this feature, you can reduce loading time, and reduce the bounce rate considerably. Enterprise edition is considered to be 80% faster as compared to the community edition, in reindexing, which is another performance enhancer. In case you are adding a new product/category to the database, you don’t need to wait for it to be actually added before moving on. The additions can be made to the live website without hindering the functioning. You can even test the newly added products/categories when the website is live and running.

Efficient Backup and Rollback

Magento enterprise offers a good backup system, which is vital in most cases. Along with backup, enterprise edition also proposes the rollback option, using which you can reverse the changes introduced. If you are planning on modifying, or even slightly changing the system, this would be an effective option for you. The rollback option does not hinder any activities on your store. It is pretty seamless.

Definitive Roles

You can have a single admin dashboard to take care of the multiple e-stores you have created. You can even specify the way the content should be segmented and managed in these different definitive roles. It offers ease of handling to the merchant, which is the ultimate aim.

Secure Payments

When you have an e-store that helps in transactions, you need a secure payment gateway. You need to ensure that all the details, related to payment, given by your user are locked away. Enterprise edition comes with PCI compliant payment systems that will enhance security, which is the main concern for cyber security.

In-built RMA System

RMA or Return Material Authorization has been introduced to improve the user experience on your store. Easy buying, shipping as well as tracking of products are indeed important to improve user experience. RMA just enhances the whole process, and brings out an informed e-commerce consumer


These six reasons indicate why e-stores should be built using Magento Enterprise Edition. Not only is it a secure platform, but also offers scalability and customization. Hire Magento eCommerce developersM to stage your store using enterprise edition in an aesthetic way.