Photoshop - Smart Emerging Picture with BG
Create a background
Create a new document the size of traditional photographic prints such as 15x21 cm, 300 dpi. Open the photo and by using the Move (Move Tool) put them in your document. Select Edit> Transform> Rotate 90 degrees clockwise (Edit> Transform> Rotate 90 CW) and again Edit> Transform Freely (Edit> Free Transform). Using the visible corners make scaling the size of our document and confirm by clicking Enter.
Create a background II
Select from the menu Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur (Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur). In the dialog that we give a big blur radius (in this example, 100 pixels). Select from the menu Image> Adjust> Channel Mixing (Image> Adjustments> Channel Mixer). We do the mixing channels. At this stage, use is experimental and is only getting interesting spots of the image. In this example, I determined values as in the screenshot.
Create a background III
Open another picture and bring it to top of our document, placing in the top right corner of the document. now we have three layers, one origonal background and two other layers, now Go to the Layers palette (Layers) and change the layer blending mode to Overlay (Overlay). Eraser tool (Eraser tool) to set the options bar with a soft brush tip and mating (Opacity) about 50%, wiping make rough edges of the layer. Repeat this step with a photo photo1cd-0208, before putting them in the bottom left corner.
Creating frames
04 Select the tool box to create your own shape (Custom Shape Tool). Develop the options bar click Shape (Shape). Using the triangle is available in the right corner of the window to select a group of frames (Frames) and select one of the default shapes available called Frame3. Put some shape to your document. Select from the menu Layer> Layer Style? (Layer> Layer Style?) To add a shadow to the shape, phase and gradient color coordinated, set the parameters as shown in the screenshot. At this stage of editing, you can use different styles of experimentally observing the change in the image.
Open the picture elizabeth and put them in your document. Eraser tool (Eraser tool) to set the options bar with a soft brush tip and mating (Opacity) about 10-30% make a gentle wipe the edges, thus illustrating the layer below. Flattened the image by choosing Layer> Flatten Image (Layer> Flatten Image)
The final amendment
Select the Rectangle Selection tool (Rectangular Marquee Tool) and make a selection within a frame. Select from the menu Select> Inverse (Select> Inverse). In the Layers palette (Layers) activate the background layer, Layer 1 in our example. Pressing [Delete] to remove the unnecessary parts make the background layer. Get rid of the selection keyboard shortcut [Ctrl] + [D] and flattening the image by choosing Layer> Flatten Image (Layer> Flatten Image).