Search for Product Video Production Companies

Author: Broadcast 2World

It will not be long until dynamic video content dominates search results and you should know exactly where to invest your marketing dollars. Video is fast becoming an important weapon in businesses' marketing arsenal. However, for product videos to be effective, they require quality standards that can compete with the rest of the World Wide Web.

Producing video content is a substantial investment, but it is one that reaps great return for your company provided that you come up with a product that effectively represents and markets your business. In house production, while ideal, can cost you even more in terms of overheads. This is where video production companies come in handy, offering you quality that your investment deserves. With a team of experts behind your marketing campaign, you get the best value for marketing budget along with the guarantee that your video will perform as expected. Below are some insider tips you should know when searching for a company to handle your product video production:

  • Sparkling demo reels are nice to look at. They help you set expectations of the company and take a peek into what they can do. However, what these highlight reels don't show is how those finished projects looked like in their entirety and how they performed once going public. You want your marketing video to be more than just dazzling—you also want them to be effective in communicating your message. Dig deeper than your prospect company's homepage to see what their portfolio collection looks like. Any production company worth its salt will be able to provide you with a good selection of past projects and support these showpieces with good metrics.
  • Production company websites may not always showcase their most recent projects on their actual website. This may be due to ownership issues or simply because refreshing videos on their website is more convenient when done once every few months. Their social media sites, on the other hand, are guaranteed to be packed with recent projects so don't forget to check them out when inspecting their highlight reels. It is a lot easier to upload recent videos to social sites and video engines than embedding them on a website. If you want to see what a company's recent projects look like, head to their social media profiles.
  • Ask for multiple estimates to see which company can provide you the best value. In video marketing as in other online marketing activities, you usually get what you pay for so don't skimp on your budget and go for the lowest quote simply because it provides the greatest savings. Professional companies who command higher price rates have good reason for demanding their asking price because they are confident in their product and their processes.