No Shortage Of Hotels At The Livigno Ski Resort
There may be times during high ski season when hotel rooms might be at a premium. The Livigno Ski Resort has in recent years become a prime European ski destination, and although the number of hotels at the Livigno Ski Resort is quite large, if you don't book well ahead of time you may not get the hotel you want, or the type of room you want.
Summertime is not quite so bad, or at least not yet, although Livigno and the surrounding area is becoming a major European destination for summertime activities as well. In the winter it's skiing, both cross-country and alpine, along with snowboarding, snowmobiling and one horse open sleigh rides. In the summertime, one can go hiking, mountain biking, or simply enjoy the beauty of the Alps at that time of the year.
There may be a few empty rooms in some of the hotels at the Livigno Ski Resort; perhaps there are quite a few in the early spring when the snow turns to slush and just above freezing temperatures seem colder that it was when the temperatures were sub-freezing a month or two earlier. The hotels won't empty out completely though, even if the weather doesn't permit much in the way of outdoor sporting activities. There's shopping. In fact, there's lots of shopping. Livigno is in a duty-free zone, and consequently those who live in larger towns and cities some distance away often make a pilgrimage to Livigno from time to time to save money. People even come up from Rome or over from Zurich to save a few euros. They probably spend more on transportation than they save on the purchases in Livigno, but you can't stop a person who smells a possible bargain.
Christmas is a wonderful time to visit this area, and since it falls in the middle of the high skiing season, it will be one of the more difficult, if not the most difficult, times to get reservations at most of the hotels at the Livigno Ski Resort. You can always manage to get a very nice room in a very nice hotel, but that's usually only the case if you book a room well in advance. There are also occasional festivals as well. Many European cities are noted for their many festivals, and this seems to be particularly true in parts of Central Europe and in the Alpine region.
The Free Heel Festival usually fills up a number of hotels at the Livigno Ski Resort. This festival is dedicated to the cross-country skier, or more appropriately to the telemark skier, sometimes referred to as the Norwegian skier after the town on Norway where this particular type of skiing is believed to have originated. Many people think of telemark skiers as older skiers who wear baggy pants and have skis that are way too long and heavy. But telemark skiing is a major sport in parts of Europe, and in parts of North America as well, and the Free Heel Festival attracts large crowds, from which many join in on the various competitions. If you want to participate in this festival, it's another time to book a room well in advance.
Fortunately, the number of hotels at the Livigno Ski Resort,italy in the town itself, and in the immediate area numbers over 150. You can probably always get a room somewhere, but if you have a particular hotel in mind, if you are looking at a certain price range, or if you are looking for a discount, you should book well in advance.
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