Cross training shoes – mistakes that most people make

Author: Heyday Footwear

Cross training is a process which includes training in more than one sport in order to improve fitness.

Sports shoes are available in a huge range. Some of them are made for a specific purpose e.g. running, walking, tennis etc. A cross training shoe is the one that provide multiple options. Cross training shoes are available in variety of different designs and shapes. They are popular shoes and many of the brands are manufacturing Cross Trainer Shoes. Finding a perfect cross training shoe can be a difficult task. You need to take care of the following things and don’t make these mistakes.

Wearing shoes:

A major problem with most of us is that when we start cross training, we just open our cupboard and wear any shoes that we want. It is a wrong step. We must make sure that our casual shoes are not made for this purpose. Wearing those shoes will cause pain in the major part of the body and our workout will not be as effective as it should have been.

Choose a right shoe:

A shoe which is made for running is not suitable for playing football. Although we are running while playing football but there is a difference. Shoes are specific for specific purposes. You need to go for a cross training shoe which should have a light weight, good support and a firm heel, so that the balance and grim of our body remains within our axis.

Don’t love them too much:

You cross training shoe is only meant to be worn at your training time. You must not wear them all the day long. If you do so, they will break down. These shoes are not a show piece which you should be showing to the world. If you are going to the market, wear a casual shoe. If you are going to work, wear a formal shoe. As you can’t wear a formal shoe while training, similarly you can’t wear a cross training shoe while working in the office or going to market.

Replace them on time:

Every thing in the world has some life. Nothing is permanent and nothing is going to stay with you forever. If you think that buying a single pair of cross training shoe will be enough for the rest of your life then you are wrong. If your shoes are not giving you that feeling as they used to give at the start and they have started to give a bad look, it’s probably the best time to replace them with a new one. According to the statistics, an average running shoe should be replaced after every 300 – 500 mile. If you consider this too short, you must change your shoes at least once a year.

Ask the expert:

Unless you know which shoe is the perfect one for you, it is a foolish idea to go to a market, try some pairs and buy a one. You need to take an expert advice before buying a specific pair of cross training shoes.

About Author

The freshest Bodybuilding Shoes who love the gym lifestyle. The best training sneakers provide for all types of strength training. Heyday Footwear is the design driven and independent sneaker brand for the freshest body builders, hip hop dancers and tastemakers world wide.