20 Project Management Tips

Author: Anna Preston

Within project management, individuals undertaking this tricky profession are often consistently striving for self improvement. Industries are constantly changing, project management courses are constantly getting better and the job role itself is forever bringing up new challenges. If you don't keep ahead of the game, you can often end up seeing more project failures than you or the organisation you work for would like.

Here are 20 project management tips to help you on your journey of self improvement:

  1. Communication always matters - never be afraid of over-communicating
  2. Always try to anticipate issues that may arise, and think of ways to work around those issues - planning is crucial
  3. Ensure you manage your projects, don't try to constantly complete the projects yourself. Managing projects is different to completing all the work yourself
  4. Stay sharp - check everything - don't ever assume something is right, complete, 'a given' - always check
  5. Manage your time well - always be punctual and make the most of the time you have to get the job done
  6. Never be afraid to be honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses - recognising both means being able to utilise and improve both
  7. Admit your mistakes - never be proud and always admit when you are wrong, this will bring you respect
  8. Never overspend on the budget unless this has been agreed upfront

9. Always invest in project management training such as APMP, PMP or PRINCE2 and encourage others to do so as well - you can never have too many qualifications under your belt

  1. Don't get stuck using the same methodology - sometimes different projects need a different approach, don't always stick to what you are familiar or comfortable with and try to 'make it fit'
  2. Keep your calendar up to date - use a central calendar that includes personal and work dates and make sure you're constantly amending it so it's completely up to date
  3. Make sure any meetings conducted are necessary - never waste your time or the time others have to make this project successful
  4. Be the listener - don't get tired of hearing your own voice - listening is an excellent communication tool and brings many rewards
  5. Improve your emotional intelligence - always
  6. Do the hardest tasks first - complete difficult tasks first thing to create an early sense of success and to stop yourself putting things off
  7. Be helpful - you will always need help, so give and in turn receive - if someone needs help, give it to them

17. Never stop taking lessons from everything you do - every single thing you do helps you learn not just professional project management courses.

  1. Be polite - say hello to people, thank them, congratulate them, praise them - it takes no time at all but makes all the difference
  2. Stay away from your email and social media - you know why!
  3. Try to empathise with people as much as possible, the more you understand about how they are feeling, the more control you have over any situation