Dehumidifier - A Boon For Sri Lankans!

Author: Ankur Sethiya

Humidity is generally quite high in Sri Lanka due to its close proximity to sea and because of this reason controlling humidity in homes, industrial infrastructures and offices becomes quite necessary.

This is where role of a dehumidifier becomes so important since they can effectively control the amount of humidity present in the air and provide you peace of mind that your family as well as things will remain safe from the wrath of humidity and its associated problems.

In this context let us now go through some of the primary applications of such humidity controllers.

Applications of De-Humidifiers

Decreasing Dampness

Dampness can lead to many different problems such as:

  1. Rusting as well as damage of metal devices and metal pipes.

  2. Damage to your rugs and carpets as well as smudging of paints on walls.

  3. Warping and damage of your wooden floor.

By installing a good humidity controller you can get rid of these problems with relative ease.

Problem of Mold

Humidity and moisture help mold thrive in your home or office. By using a dehumidifier you can bring relative humidity within required limit and stop mold growth.

Mold is known to cause many health problems ranging from flu to cold and other similar problems. But now it is relatively easy to fix these issues by using a humidity controller.

Odor Problem

Dampness and high humidity levels are known to cause bad odor problems in any room. Nowadays humidity controllers are available which have carbon and HEPA filters that are quite effective in keeping the place stench as well as dust free.

Preventing Allergies

Allergens such as fungi are known to thrive in damp conditions and this type of high moisture content also helps insects such as centipedes and roaches flourish. People with allergies are most affected and face problems like itchiness and rashes due to presence of such allergens.

Respiratory Problems

If you are suffering from respiratory problems such as Asthma then you may have breathing problems in such humid conditions. This is due to reduction in oxygen levels in air with high moisture content.

Humidity controllers can help you in reducing the moisture content and help in reducing breathing problems asthma patients face.

A Look at the Features

Let us now have a quick look at some of the main features of these humidity controllers.

Prevention of Corrosion

Chemical reactions are the main cause for corrosion and such reactions in turn depend upon sufficient availability of oxygen. These chemical reactions increase if moisture levels are high in the air. Thus humidity controllers help in reducing corrosion by lowering moisture levels in your house.

Stopping Condensation

If air is damp then water vapor gets created over cold surfaces. This can lead to stress corrosion and reduce lifespan of your appliances. If there is less moisture then you will not have to worry about such stress corrosion problems.