Natural Remedies For Kidney Stones
Kidney stones begin as tiny pieces of crystal that join together in the kidney. When kidney stones occur, they either pass out of the body with the normal urine flow and need no treatment or stay in the kidney. When the latter happens, the stone had can grow much larger. If a larger stone gets stuck in the ureters along the path to the bladder, the resulting pain can be quiet severe. In addition, the person becomes more prone to urinary tract infections and other types of kidney damage. When this happens, surgery is needed to remove the stone. Otherwise, a number of natural remedies for kidney stones may be used.
Additional symptoms of kidney stones occur when they are moving out of the body. These include nausea and vomiting, painful urination, and blood in the urine. It is important to go to the doctor when these symptoms occur to rule out other conditions such as ectopic pregnancy and appendicitis, both which can be life threatening if left untreated. Doctors use a number of diagnostic tools including specialized CT scans, ultrasounds, cultures and different types of X-rays to determine if you have kidney stones and what type they are. It is rare to require surgery and most of the time, natural remedies for kidney stones are all that are needed.
- Drinking water is an important part of your home treatment. Try to drink between eight and ten glasses daily. You can judge whether you are drinking enough if your urine is light yellow or clear. A good way to work more water into your daily intake of fluids is to eliminate soda and energy drinks that can make the condition worse and drink more water instead.
- Uva Ursi is a fruit that comes from a small shrub and has long been a part of folk medicine. The herb is used to treat a variety of urinary tract disorders and it aids in alleviating painful urination.
- Drinking pomegranate juice will not only aid in the health of your kidneys, but with overall health. Pomegranates are rich in anti-oxidants that relieve pain and inflammation.
- A poor diet is the cause of kidney stones and improving your food choices can help make your kidneys healthier. Substitute fruits and vegetables for processed foods and avoid alcoholic beverages.
- Basil is a powerful spice when used to make tea to improve kidney health. Make tea with a teaspoon of basil juice and sweeten with raw honey to drink throughout the day. Basil is believed to be one of the most effective natural remedies for kidney stones because it helps stones to be passed from the urinary tract.
- This essential nutrient has been shown to reduce the formation of kidney stones significantly. Take a 300 mg supplement daily or eat foods with a high magnesium content such as kelp and brewer’s yeast.
In many cases, using these natural remedies for kidney stones is all that is needed to relieve pain and many even aid in preventing the development of kidney stones.