Green Travel Way To Healthy You

Author: Richa Ahuja

I would say, ‘Health needs time and time is money’. Travelling is the new obsession, be it a college student or married couples/families, everyone likes to take a trip or two as and when the holidays come around.

But travelling healthy is something very few think of. We all try to eat healthy, but health does not only relate to food. As one tries to eat healthy one should also try to travel healthy. Travelling healthy can translate to so many different aspects.

Being in a healthy environment is one of those cases. From carrying wet-wipes and hand sanitizers, it is also healthy for a traveler to carry their own shawl and pillow. This way the chance of getting infections and allergies reduce drastically. Keeping away from such germs reduce the chance of getting sick while on the go. Common cold and flu is even transferable. The use of tissue to wipe down counters, to refrain from such germ infestation is usually advised. The most common threat of travelling in a healthy environment comes when one starts travelling on the train or in the public bus. Clean toilets in the trains versus the dust gathered on bus seats would be the point of comparison. Use of personal soap and towel is what I’d suggest when in the bathroom of a train and of course lots of wet-wipes and tissue to wipe down the counter tops. On the bus, the case becomes different. One can either carry an extra bed sheet which could act as a seat cover or just simply wear clothes that one wouldn’t mind washing off later. The chances of acquiring the allergies are higher from a bus seat, especially when one is sleeping. The usage of personal pillow and a bed sheet reduces these chances. Travelling healthy in the physical and literal sense is a factor very few of us thinks into.

We always get tempted when, for example, a roadside vendor making rolls flips the ‘parantha’ in the oil to cook it nice and crispy. Eating healthy doesn’t always mean eating right; it also means eating in a clean and germ free environment. While travelling, constantly hydrating oneself with clean water is the thumb rule to avoid blood clots, cramps and various other infections. Snacking on fruits (especially the ones with high water content) keeps the blood flow through the system easy and trouble free. When travelling in a new country, where language is a barrier and reading menu cards might seem scary, it is always suitable to eat the basic egg, bread and milk meal to stay healthy as well as to have a meal that is filling.

Keeping one’s health in check is last but not least the most important part of travelling healthy. Refraining from regular intake of oily food and keeping at least 15 minutes to 30 minutes a day for exercising or even opting for a walking or bicycling tour instead of a bus or a car would help a lot. Keeping one’s back, calf muscles and feet in check is the key to a physically healthy holiday. We all know that when the body is happy the mind is also happy. Exercising and doing some physical activity is bound to affect ones mental health in a very crucial way, making the experience of holiday or travel feel even more rewarding.

We all travel to gain experiences, to collect memories and to view the world from a different point of view. We travel to spend time with one another, to learn new cultures and languages, to taste new food and of course to make new friends. We travel for work, for family, for friends and sometimes for oneself also. We travel to learn, to teach, heck even to just be lazy and not do anything for a while. We all have our reason to travel, but very few of us have thought of the reasons to travel healthy. We tend to forget that it is only because of our good health do we get to travel, so why not take care of it even while travelling. Be a healthy traveler for a healthy you!