Here’s why you should donate non-food items to Syria
The miseries suffered by the innocent masses of Syria due to the war situation are unheard any time before in the human history. The situation has forced over 2 million Syrians to fled the country and seek refuge in countries like Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan. They are living in the relief camps established in these regions. Millions of others are still continuing to live in their home land amidst fear and uncertainty of disaster descending upon their heads any time and from any where. They are condemned to live in poor and miserably sub standard conditions. Thousands of Syrians who had protested have been imprisoned and are being tortured.
The country that was once praised for it peaceful state and rich natural beauty is now ravaged by the war. Left to complete ruin, turmoil and a helpless state, the civilians are condemned to poverty hunger and a miserable living. While those that are brave and have their relatives elsewhere in the neighbouring countries have fled the scene, a large number of others are trapped inside helplessly as they have no place to go. The rate of mortality is on rapid rise finding lot of Syrians being victims to war attacks, poor health conditions, lack of basic amenities to live and sub-standard life that they are condemned to.
A number of voluntary service organizations have joined the line of efforts that seek to relieve the conditions of the Syrian people. The United Nations and its subsidiary organizations have been already into the scene offering their support and supplies to the people in the affected zones. Those organizations that have entered the scene in addition to these relief giants are doing a highly commendable job since they need to first ensure a safe entry into the region risking the lives of the relief groups. In several regions, entry is denied even on humanitarian grounds to the relief groups. In several others the condition is so uncertain and inconvenient enabling transportation to the interior zones where people lie captured in a fear stricken condition.
The relief groups have been supplying life-saving emergency relief materials and support to the populace in the affected zones including Jordan and Lebanon border. Especially in the northern and the eastern regions of Lebanon, there is a huge inflow of refugees during the recent past. More than 2000 families have been given shelter and succour in these regions. In most such regions, the relief activities are very scarce since most organizations do not take interest to reach out these places. Amidst such a state of affairs, the courageous step taken by the organizations that have entered these regions with the relief materials are noteworthy.
Some of the supplies given to the people of these regions apart from food under the non-food items include medical supplies, clothing, blankets and hygiene packs containing the most essential toiletries and accessories. While the Syrians are condemned to suffer for the fault that is not theirs, it is the responsibility of the world community to extend their helping hands to see that some relief is assured to these people. In the non-food supplies segment, there is a huge need and therefore increased participation is called for.
Author is a freelance writer and having successful experience in writing about Charity services. Currently he is writing about Donate Non Food Items Syria and Sponsor An Orphan Syria for more information about donate non-food items to Syria visit: Syriarelief.